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时间:2018-07-09 09:41来源:毕业论文

关键词   红外图像 彩色融合 自然色 色彩迁移
Title  The Research and Implementation of colorizing infrared  image                                                
As we know, colorizing infrared image is beneficial to identify target in the night and it’s convenient for us to get information from the image,therefore the research of colorizing infrared image is significant both in the social life and military reconnaissance.In view of this, we study the single-channel and dual-channel infrared colorized fusion colorization. For single-channel colorization, focusing on three pseudo-color processing algorithm, the Matlab simulation, analysis of the results of color, the result of continuous color coding is more suited to the human eye. Based on the analysis of infrared and low-light images on the respective characteristics were studied in three double spectral color fusion algorithm, including maps and a linear combination of direct integration of color based on the color of antagonistic visual characteristics, color transfer colorization. The simulation analysis shows that the integration of color images and pseudo color compared to the wealth of information contained better. Finally, we study on the  image fusion method of color lookup table based on histogram matching.
Keywords  infrared image  color fusion  natural color  color migration
 目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 发展历史    2
1.3 本文研究工作    3
2 彩色化基础理论    3
2.1 红外图像应用原理    4
2.2 颜色空间    4
2.3 彩色化预处理    6
2.4 方法归类    7
2.5 小结    8
3 彩色化算法    9
3.1 伪彩色编码    9
3.1.1 灰度分割法    9
3.1.2 灰度级—彩色变换法    10
3.2 多光谱融合彩色化    11
3.2.1 RGB空间简单融合    12
3.2.2 RGB空间线性融合    13
3.3 基于自适应色彩迁移的彩色化    14
3.3.1灰度图像直接迁移彩色化    14
3.3.2 伪彩色图像迁移彩色化    16
3.4 基于直方图匹配的颜色查找表融合法实现图像彩色化    17
3.4.1经典颜色查找表融合原理    18
3.4.2 基于直方图匹配的颜色查找表融合法    19
3.5小结    22
结  论    24
致  谢    25 红外图像彩色化技术研究与实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_19269.html