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时间:2024-03-25 22:01来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着我国工业的迅速发展和国家生活水平在不断的上升,废气的排放量也日益增加。空气的质量在不断下降,一些城市的空气质量达到严重污染的程度。空气质量监测已成为环境管理的重点,监测PM2。5水平是一个重要方面。本设计主要是采用单片机测量空气中PM2。5浓度的测量系统。该系统把传感器技术与单片机控制技术、A/D转换技术相结合,夏普GP2Yl010AUOF传感器实现对空气中PM2。5浓度的采集,ADC0832模/数转换器把模拟量转换成数字量,经过STC89C51单片机处理后,在LCD1602显示屏上显示。该系统便于人们对身边的空气质量进行实时监测,并且电路简单、工作稳定、集成度高,调试方便,测试精度高,具有一定的实用价值。94842


Abstract:With the rapid development of our country industry and the national standard of living is constantly rising, exhaust emissions are also increasing。The quality of air in falling, the air quality in some cities of the extent of the serious pollution。Air quality monitoring has become the focus of the environmental management and monitoring of PM2。5 levels is an important aspect。This design mainly adopts the single chip microcomputer measuring levels of PM2。5 in the air measurement system。The system is the sensor technology and single-chip microcomputer control technology, A/D conversion technology, the combination of sharp GP2Yl010AUOF sensor to realize the collection of PM2。5 concentrations in the air, the A/D converter ADC0832 convert analog to digital quantity, after dealing with the STC89C51 microcontroller, on the LCD1602 screen display。The system is convenient for people to the side of the real-time monitoring, air quality and simple circuit, stable operation, high integration, convenient debugging, high testing precision, has certain practical value。

Key words:  PM2。5、51  Single chip microcomputer、A/D conversion、GP2Yl010AUOF Sensor


1绪论 5

1。1设计的意义 5

1。2国内外检测PM2。5的方法对比 6

2 系统硬件总体设计及电路设计 7

2。1系统硬件总体设计 7

2。2硬件电路设计及主要芯片介绍 8

2。2。1单片机最小系统 8

2。2。2 A/D转换模块 10

2。2。3 液晶显示模块 11

2。2。4 灰尘传感器模块 13

3 软件电路设计 14

3。1开发环境 14   

3。2主体程序设计 15

3。2。1主程序设计 15

3。2。2中断程序设计 15

4系统调试 16

4。1 硬件调试 16

4。2 软件的调试 18

4。3 软件的下载 19

参考文献 23

致谢 24

附录A 25

附录B 34

附录C 36


1。1设计的意义 STC89C51单片机便携式环境检测仪的设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_202956.html
