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时间:2024-07-10 22:33来源:95784



Abstract:In the electronics industry ESD (Electronic Static Discharge), the harm of electrostatic discharge on electronic manufacturing industry, electrostatic discharge is a common natural phenomenon, its electronic components, electronic product manufacturing and assembly of the harm caused by loss is not estimated, aiming at the problems and issues of electronic production in ESD the lack of protection, the design of this ESD prevention system, its main function is to voltage real-time production line of anti-static Bracelet end to monitor personnel illegal operations in anti-static measures, to prevent the generation of static electricity and timely eliminate static electricity produced by the body.

ESD prevention system is mainly based on single-chip microcomputer as the core to complete the control. The upper and lower machine communication system to implement the real-time monitoring, the main hardware part includes voltage data acquisition A/D converter, amplifier, main controller, display, alarm, RS232 serial port, A/D converter is used for voltage acquisition and conversion of the main electrostatic ring, the amplifier is mainly to the acquisition of voltage amplification, the display will be synchronous display of voltage current acquisition, is conducive to the operator can accurately judge the actual situation of working point of electrostatic ring, the alarm will appear in the operation of personnel illegal operation or electrostatic ring alarm when abnormal, RS232 is to achieve real-time communication between host and client, client constantly on the operating point for detection and monitoring, and upload the data PC, when the potential is high or illegal operations personnel when the alarm buzzer, so that the manager timely recovery Take corresponding measures.

Keywords: electrostatic discharge;Real-time alarm;Voltage;ESD

第一章绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2智能仪器的发展趋势 1

1.2.1微型化 2

1.2.2智能化 2

1.2.3系统化 2

1.2.4网络 2

1.3单片机的发展趋势 3

1.4课题研究的工作及步骤 ESD预防系统设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204256.html
