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时间:2018-08-08 20:07来源:毕业论文

本文主要介绍了一款频率可重构的圆极化微带天线。通过放置在矩形贴片对角线上的同轴馈电,来同时激励起矩形贴片的 TM01和TM10模式。同时,在矩形贴片上引入一个矩形环槽,并在槽两端对称地跨接四对变容二极管,通过改变这四对变容二极管的反向偏置电压来实现其容值的变化,从而同时改变天线两个模式的谐振频率,达到了天线在其工作频段上的连续可调;另一方面,通过恰当设置矩形环槽的长宽差值,来实现天线在每个可调频段内,具有圆极化辐射的特性。最终,在保持天线的增益、极化特性、效率、方向图都较佳的情况下,实现了天线的工作频率在 1.92 GHz~2.51 GHz内连续可调。  26760
毕业论文关键词  频率可重构  微带贴片天线  圆极化    
 Title Research and Design on Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Antennas    
Reconfigurable antennas, as a new kind of antenna technology, can adjust their
characteristics by changing the structure of the antenna to adapt to the working
environment. Frequency reconfigurable microstrip antennas, as the key component
of the system, which are flexible in use and have a small size, light weight,
can greatly improve the performance of the whole communication system, making
the system fit to the complex application environment.
A frequency reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna is presented in this paper.
With a coaxial probe placed on the diagonal line of the rectangular patch, two
orthogonal resonant modes  (TM01  and TM10)  are simultaneously excited.  A
rectangular-ring slot is etched in the rectangular patch. Four pairs of varactor
diodes  are symmetrically placed along the  slot.  By varying  the capacitance values 
of the varactor diodes,  the resonant frequencies of the  two modes can be
simultaneously changed. On the other hand, by introducing a specific difference
between  the length and width of the rectangular-ring slot,  good circular
polarization performances can be obtained over a broad frequency tuning range.
Finally, a continuously tunable circular polarization operating frequency from
1.92 to 2.51 GHz with stable broadside radiation patterns can be achieved. 
 Keywords    Frequency Reconfigurable,  Microstrip  patch antenna,  Circular polarization  
目  录
1  绪论  .  1
1.1  研究背景和意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    1
1.3  本论文的主要工作和内容安排    4
2  微带天线的相关理论  .  5
2.1  微带天线的结构    5
2.2  微带天线的辐射机理    5
2.3  微带天线的分析方法    8
2.4  微带天线的馈电方式    9
2.4.1  微带线馈电    9
2.4.2  同轴线馈电    9
2.4.3  共面波导馈电  .  10
2.4.4  耦合馈电  .  10
2.5 微带天线的极化    10
2.5.1  极化方式分类  .  10
2.5.2  线极化  .  10
2.5.3  圆极化  .  10 频率可重构微带天线的研究与设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_21034.html