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时间:2019-01-24 22:05来源:毕业论文

关键词  鱼眼镜头  角点检测  镜头标定  畸变校正
Title    The Method of Fish_Eye Lens Distortion Correction 
Fish_eye lens has some special optical properties, as for its greater vision, generally between 180 to 270 degrees.Fish_eye lens is used widely for its special nature.At present, fish_eye lens has been large-scale used in schools, Banks, traffic monitoring and other fields.But at the same time there are some fatal defects, one of them is the introduction of serious distortion of image, which make the image cannot be understood by normal human eyes. This hinders the development of fish eye lens, therefore, how to get the fish_eye lens to the distortion of image restoration to no distortion condition has become a research hot_spot.This article will also expand the research.Through literature and consult teachers and students, I learned that a fish_eye lens image distortion correction is mainly pided into the following three steps: corner detection, camera calibration and the distortion correction.The text will detail the content of each step.
Keywords  fish_eye lens  corner detection  camera calibration  distortion correction
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  研究背景与意义    1
1.2  研究现状    1
1.3  论文结构框架    2
2  角点检测    3
2.1  Harris算法    3
2.2  SUSAN算法    4
2.3  本章小结    5
3  鱼眼镜头标定    6
3.1  鱼眼镜头    6
3.2  镜头标定    6
3.3  本章小结    7
4.1  各类校正算法    8
4.2  本章小结    9
5  算法详悉    10
5.1  角点检测算法    10
5.2  镜头标定算法    10
5.3  畸变校正算法    10
5.4  本章小结    12
结  论    14
致  谢    15
1  引言
1.1  研究背景与意义
   正如前面的摘要处所言,鱼眼镜头拥有着大视野,同时也给图片引入了严重的畸变,使得图片不能为人们所理解,因此对鱼眼镜头图像进行畸变校正是迫切而必要的[2]。市面上现在已有一些鱼眼镜头及相关应用,如下图所示,其中图1.1是在售的一些鱼眼镜头,图1.2是鱼眼镜头的监控实例。 鱼眼镜头图像畸变数字校正方法:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_29867.html