关键词 合成孔径雷达 低轨卫星 距离多普勒算法 高分辨率成像
Title Modeling and High-resolution Imaging Algorithm for Spaceborne SAR System
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar is worked in the conditions of all time, all weather and long range ,having a good performance in high-resolution imaging in the modern remote radar. It is considered as owning a very broad developing prospect. In recent years, the application of SAR is increasingly wide, contributing to improving its research value. This paper is studied about high-resolution imaging algorithm with SAR operating on low satellites orbit. First, under the circumstance of Matlab, it establishes LEO satellites orbit model and radar target echo model, and then uses classic Range Doppler Algorithm respectively to forming images for point targets and surface targets. At the same time, this paper undertakes the optimization work to improving the resolution. Also different correction methods are compared to assess their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, it achieves the ideal high-resolution simulation figures.
Keywords Synthetic Aperture Radar LEO satellite Range Doppler Algorithm high-resolution imaging
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究内容及关键技术 4
2 星载合成孔径雷达原理及其性能评估 5
2.1 合成孔径雷达概念 5
2.2 低轨卫星低轨道模型 7
2.3 SAR成像基本原理 10
2.4 SAR成像性能评估指标 17
3 星载SAR成像算法 19
3.1 距离多普勒算法原理 19
3.2 成像算法处理优化 23
3.3 点目标仿真结果与分析 23
3.4 面目标仿真结果与分析 30
结 论 33
致 谢 34
1 绪论
雷达(Radio Detection and Ranging, Radar)作为二战时期军事需求而蓬勃发展起来的产物,在无线电领域具有广阔的发展前景。起初雷达的任务与目的就如其英文名所示,检测并发现目标,同时测量目标间的距离。现代电子产业科技的进步促进了雷达功能扩展,其应用范围随之扩张。电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE)编写的新版词典中,关于雷达的定义是:发射电磁波的信号后接收照射范围内的观测目标回波,从中提取所需的信息,如位置等,最终完成目标探测任务的电磁系统[1]。
1.1 研究意义
雷达发展阶段中,自20世纪中期兴起的雷达成像技术是一个重大的突破。利用了微波的强透射性,排除云雨或迷雾的影响,所以雷达拥有全天候工作特性。区别于光学系统利用阳光照射目标后的反射信息成像,雷达接收目标的反射回波信号来成像,其实质是获取其后向散射系数。所以说,雷达能够进行全天时的工作,无需受昼夜的影响。 Matlab星载SAR系统建模与高分辨率成像算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_41813.html