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时间:2019-12-08 19:56来源:毕业论文
对以太网基础知识和物理层编码格式进行简介,对网络性能测试系统需求进行分析,并根据需求对测试系统的整体架构进行设计和分析。在此基础上,对网络性能测试系统中FPGA 测试

摘要随着网络通信的飞速发展,现有大量网络设备的日常维护以及新网络设备的开发都离不开相关测试仪器,而目前我国的网络测试仪器市场基本上被外国厂商垄断,国内厂家也没有满足需求的相应产品。在一些特殊的行业和领域中,例如银行、国家安全等,使用国外厂家的产品或者低性能的国内产品会对产品安全性能,设备的保密性带来一定的隐患。因此,开发一款具有丰富测试功能、高可靠度、高精度以及高性价比的网络性能测试设备,具有极其重要的安全和经济实用价值。 本文首先介绍了网络性能测试系统研究意义和背景,对国内外的研究现状简单地做了对比,同时说明了网络测试仪的相关原理,阐述了本论文课题的工程应用价值。其次对以太网基础知识和物理层编码格式进行简介,对网络性能测试系统需求进行分析,并根据需求对测试系统的整体架构进行设计和分析。在此基础上,对网络性能测试系统中FPGA 测试、开发流程和开发方法进行介绍。然后,文章主要对在以太网之中报文的组成进行简要介绍,对FPGA之中如何实现对流速率精确控制进行设计与实现,并对其进行功能仿真。42579
毕业论文关键词  PowerPC  FPGA 以太网   报文流速率 帧间隙  Title    FPGA design and implementation of network     tester precise flow rate control packets based approach               Abstract With the rapid development of network communications, the existing large number of routine maintenance and the development of new network equipment network equipment are inseparable from the relevant testing equipment, while China's current network test equipment market is monopolized by foreign manufacturers, domestic manufacturers did not meet corresponding product demand. In some special industries and fields, such as banking, national security, the use of foreign manufacturers of products or a low performance of domestic products have confidentiality product safety, equipment, bring some risks. Therefore, the development of a test with rich functionality, high reliability, high precision and cost-effective network performance testing equipment, has a vital security and economic and practical value. This paper introduces the network performance test systems research significance and background of the current research simply to do a comparison, at the same time explain the principles of the relevant network tester, elaborated the engineering application  of the present thesis topic. Secondly, the basic knowledge and Ethernet physical layer encoding format profiles, network performance testing system needs analysis, and according to the needs of the design and analysis of the overall test system architecture. On this basis, the network performance test systems in FPGA testing, development processes and development methods are introduced. Then, the paper mainly composed of Ethernet packets into a brief introduction into the FPGA design and implementation of how to achieve precise control of the rate of convection, and its functional simulation. Finally, the paper and the overall design and implementation of the work were summarized and analyzed to identify shortcomings, and follow-up direction in the future.   Keywords    PowerPC; FPGA;Ethernet;Packet flow rate;IFG   

目   次  

1 引言(或绪论)  1 




2 网络通信协议和测试系统的架构设计4 

2.1以太网简介 4 

  2.2 网络测试仪的需求分析 6 

  2.3 测试系统的架构  7 

  2.4 本章小结9  基于FPGA的网络测试仪精确控制报文流速率方法的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_43065.html
