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时间:2020-03-06 21:36来源:毕业论文

In recent years, with the progress of science and the discovery of new theories and new materials, materials, technology and theory has a rapid development and progress. With the reduction of the price of microcontroller and SOC,and with the actively promote of the manufacturers, more and more people join to the ranks who is using microcontroller.
A few years ago, use ultrasonic sensor as measuring and testing module is always an alternate selection in sensor filed, designer only when it is unable to use the premise of other alternative technologies will use ultrasonic as a measurement and detection module, because the limit of technology of that time has an effect on the ultrasonic sensor accuracy and use life, etc. In recent years, the progress of science and technology has made a great progress on the ultrasonic sensor whether in hard, use life or measuring accuracy, these new technologies also makes the ultrasonic sensors can be more flexible and more convenient use to other measurement field, for example: marine exploration and development, detection and evaluation, medical diagnosis, navigation, etc.
With the rise and wide use of the ultrasonic sensor, how to control the working status of the ultrasonic sensor in the designed circuit has become a difficult problem. This paper based on the study of the control circuit of ultrasonic sensor, demonstration the executable and design the actual circuit, in order to achieve the accurate control to ultrasonic generator, to achieve the accurate control of the wave period.
Key Words:ultrasonic; control circuit; detection of period; period control
 目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1超声波发展的历史    1
1.2超声波当前应用现状    1
1.3超声波发展趋势    2
1.4超声波发生和控制电路设计的意义    2
第二章  超声波发生和控制的原理研究    3
2.1超声波发生器原理    3
2.2超声波接收器原理    3
2.3系统设计拟采用的方法    4
第三章  硬件实现与软件    7
3.1系统组成    7
3.1.1系统供电电路    7
3.1.2文氏电桥振荡器电路    8
3.1.3带通滤波电路    9
3.1.4模拟开关电路    10 超声波发生及控制电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_47637.html