关键词 无芯片RFID标签,天线RCS,螺旋滤波器
Title RFID tags and design of multi-stopband filter
As an emerging auto identification technology,RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) has the character of small volume,high capacity,long life,reusability and so on. When combining with internet and communication technology,RFID can realize object tracing and information sharing on a global scale.
The cost of transponder is a major bottleneck in the application and development of RFID technology,which can have a wide application only if the cost of transponder reduces. .The research and design of chipless RFID tags in ultra high frequency in this paper is based on this background. The cost of chipless tags generally much lower than that of other tag types due to the absence of the microcontroller and on-board battery source. This paper is organized as follows.
A novel phase-encoded chipless RFID transponder is presented. The transponder comprises three microstrip patch antennas, which are loaded with open circuited with their respective resonant frequency signals, they re-radiate backscattered signals with distinct phase characteristics. This phase information is encoded as hexadecimal bits for the proposed chipless RFID tag.
Keywords: chipless RFID tang, RCS of antenna, spiral resonator
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及其意义 1
1.2 RFID技术的历史、现状与发展前景 1
1.3 RFID标签的发展情况 2
1.4 本课题的意义与主要内容 3
2 RFID技术的基本原理 4
2.1 RFID系统的组成 4
2.2 UHF RFID系统工作原理 6
2.3无芯片RFID标签系统工作原理 10
3 基于多阻带螺旋滤波器的无芯片RFID标签 13
3.1 系统介绍 13
3.2 微带圆盘单极子天线设计 15
3.3多阻带螺旋滤波器设计 22
3.4无芯片RFID系统仿真 26
3.5 SHF频段35BIT无芯片RFID标签 30
结 论 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及其意义
自动识别技术在人们生活中已经无处不在。条形码凭借其简单、便宜的优点在商场被广泛使用;人们日常生活中常用的信用卡、电话长等运用了智能卡技术。但是条形码存在信息容量小,需要人工操作,安全性不高等不足;而智能卡要依靠电接触与读写设备传递信息,存在卡片磨损、接触点污染等问题。传统的自动识别技术逐渐无法满足新兴的应用要求。 基于多阻带滤波器的RFID标签研究与设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_6336.html