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时间:2021-03-16 20:27来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  雷达目标模拟器,软件设计,MFC,面向对象 ,串口通信


Title  Software design and control of the radar target  simulator’s  real-time control computer                 


With the development of modern technology, the radar's performance is in the continuous improvement .In the process of the radar development,we need many experiments to detect the performance of radar. Radar systems in a real environment debugging will waste a lot of human and financial resources. And it is not conducive to the rapid development of the radar. Radar target simulator is generated in order to meet the demand for debugging and testing of the radar in the development process.

Radar target simulator need to according to the control command  of the real-time control computer ,the timing of the signal processor and the clock to generate the echo signal in real time. The functions of the real-time control computer here include the generation of the fundamental clock and beam resident pulse and PRF pulse ,control parameters through the interface to select and send to the simulator, as well as receiving  simulator reports.

This paper first introduces the concrete realization of the actual control machine .Then it gives the software program designe and describes interface display of PC module and the serial communication module in detail.This paper concludes with a discussion of each module debugging,and debugging results are given to verify the feasibility of the design. Real-time control computer design work is pided into hardware and software .This thesis is focused on the software display and control functions of the real-time control computer.

Keywords  radar target simulator , software design , MFC , OOP ,Serial communication


目 次

1  绪论 6

1.1 目标回波模拟器研究背景及意义 6

1.2 实控机设计主要任务和功能 6

1.3 论文主要内容和章节安排 7

2  实控机的实现 8

2.1 引言 8

2.2 实控机系统组成 8

2.3 实控机与目标模拟器的连接 9

2.4 实控机与模拟器之间的串口收发协议 10

2.4.1 实控机发送给目标模拟器的命令和参数 雷达目标模拟器的实控机VC软件设计和控制:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_71633.html
