毕业论文关键词 基片集成波导 X波段 圆极化 行波天线
Title X-band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Circular Polarized Antenna Design
Abstract As a new type of guided wave structure,Substrate Integrated Waveguide(SIW) owns the advantages of both waveguide and planar circuits ,and it becomes more widely used in the field of microwave and millimeter wave in recent years. This thesis mainly studies the design of the X-band circular polarized traveling-wave antenna based on the SIW structure, for generating circular polarized field ,slots are made at suitable position on the top-wall of SIW. In this thesis, firstly ,we introduce some of the basic theory of SIW antenna design; Secondly, we introduce and compare the performance of several different structures of circular polarized slots radiation element.Thirdly,3-slots orthogonal circular polarized radiation structure and 4-slots orthogonal circular polarized radiation structure are proposed and achieved based on SIW, the simulation results gived by HFSS software show that the new structures both provide a wide circular polarized bandwidth and the available bandwidth has also been expanded compared to the structure mentioned before. Finally, both of the proposed structures of antenna are fabricated by PCB,measurement results provide consistency with simulation.
Keywords SIW X-band circular polarized traveling-wave antenna
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及现状 1
1.2 研究目标及方法 4
1.3 论文的主要内容和创新之处 5
2 基片集成波导行波天线设计理论 6
2.1 SIW的基本结构与分析 6
2.2 SIW到其他平面传输线的过渡结构 9
2.3 天线的相关性能说明 11
2.4 SIW行波天线设计的一般步骤 14
2.5 本章小结 14
3 基于SIW等效波导的X波段圆极化波的产生 16
3.1 X波段简介 16
3.2 X型缝隙圆极化辐射单元 17
3.3 改进了的“X”型缝隙圆极化辐射单元 24
3.4 匹配双缝正交圆极化辐射单元 28
3.5 回型缝隙圆极化辐射单元 HFSS的X波段基片集成波导圆极化天线设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_71850.html