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时间:2021-03-29 21:25来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  ARM7  MCP2515  SEP3203   CAN总线


Title    The design of CAN-BUS interface circuit based on Embedded Systems 


CAN bus technology is one of the typical fieldbus technology,which is widely used in industrial, medical and other industries.ARM7 family microprocessor technology is widely used in industrial control, Internet equipment, network and modem equipment, mobile phones and other multimedia and embedded applications.Meanwhile ,ARM7 has good compatibility to higher-performance ARM processor such as ARM9 and it’s easy to upgrade.  In this paper, we use CAN bus controller MCP2515 and SEP3203 which is based on ARM7DMI kernel .Via SEP3203 development platform , using the MCP2515 loopback mode to complete the software debugging,to achieve any given string’s transceiving and study on the configuration methods of other MCP2515 modes, and the principle of multiple main devices on the CAN bus to achieve data frame transceiving.

Keywords  ARM7  MCP2515  SEP3203  CAN-BUS

目  录

1  引言 1

1.1  嵌入式系统简介 1

1.2  嵌入式系统的广泛应用 1

1.3  嵌入式系统的特点 1

1.4  CAN总线概述 1

1.5  CAN总线协议 2

1.6  CAN总线的特点 4

1.7  CAN总线技术 5

1.7.1  位仲裁 5

1.8  本课题主要研究的内容 6

2  硬件设计 6

2.1  SEP3023处理器 7

2.1.1  概述 7

2.1.2  SEP3203的特点 7

2.1.3  SEP3203的功能模块 8

2.2  SPI接口 8

2.2.1  特性列表 9

2.2.2  信号描述 9

2.2.3  寄存器地址映射表 9

2.2.4  功能描述 10

2.3  MCP2515 10

2.3.1  器件描述 11

2.3.2  CAN模块 12

2.3.3  控制逻辑 14

2.3.4  SPI协议模块 14

2.3.5  CAN报文格式 15

2.3.6  MCP2515的工作模式 17

2.3.7  报文的发送与接收 ARM的CAN总线接口电路设计+程序:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_72137.html
