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时间:2021-04-01 20:00来源:毕业论文
采用三维电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS. 12和 ADS 电路仿真软件进行联合仿真,实现快速准确的设计,并进行仿真校验






基于上面的理论,采用三维电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS. 12和 ADS 电路仿真软件进行联合仿真,实现快速准确的设计,并进行仿真校验。

毕业论文关键词: 微带滤波器 双模谐振器 变容二极管 可调滤波器


Title     Design of the microstrip tunable filter                

Abstract Along with the rapid development of modern wireless communication systems,frequency spectrum has become more and more crowded. In order to improve the usage of frequency spectrum, the spectrum technologies such as multi-band, hopping frequency, spread spectrum and dynamic frequency allocation have been widely used, which has greatly promoted the development of fast electrically tunable or configurable filters. In military communication systems, to meet the requirement of anti-jamming microwave electrically tunable filters are applied for fast frequency hopping.

In this paper, based on the theory of microstrip dual-mode filter, A microstrip varactor-tuned filter has been desiged. The main work can be pided into the following three parts:

1. Summed up the development of electric tunable filter and some research results;

2. Learned the theory of microstrip line and the two-port network ,which lays the foundation for the rest design of this paper;

3. A microstrip dual-mode varactor-tuned filter is studied and presented. The center frequency of the pass-band tunable is fabricated by loading varactors in the microstrip resonator terminal.

Based on the proposed method, co-simulation is made by implementing tools like HFSS and ADS for fast and accurate design. 

Keywords:  Microstrip filter  Dual-mode resonator  Varactor diodes  Tunable filter 

目 次

1  绪论 1

1.1微波滤波器的发展历史 1

1.2可调滤波器的研究概述 1

1.2.1研究背景 1

1.2.2 指标 2

1.2.3 分类 2

1.2.4国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势 3

1.3本文的内容安排 5

2  微带和滤波器基础理论 6

2.1传输线理论 6

2.1.1 均匀传输线的模型和概念 6

2.1.2均匀传输线的特性参数 7

2.2微带传输线理论 9

2.2.1微带线的结构 10

2.2.2 微带传输线的特征参数 HFSS+ADS微带可调滤波器的研究与设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_72313.html
