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时间:2022-06-12 14:13来源:毕业论文






毕业论文关键词:    纳米级   有限元原理   PMCHWT   表面积分方程   MLFMA 


Title     Research on electromagnetic distribution  characteristics of Nano antenna scale array     

Abstract Antenna has been widely used in the field of microwave, but the light is also a kind of electromagnetic wave, the electromagnetic distribution of the Nano antenna and microwave have similar characteristics。 To study this kind of characteristic, it is helpful to study the use of optical antenna in optics, such as high efficiency solar cells, optical microscope, can raise the utilization rate of light and so on。

This paper mainly studies the theory of the microwave, some indicators of the antenna to solve, and then make the antenna model, simulation and comparison, preliminary electromagnetic distribution characteristics, the main work of this paper is as follows:

(1)by using some theories of microwave, the basic principle of finite element, the scattering problem of three-dimensional medium and the equation of surface integral and MLFMA, the calculation method is realized on the Nano antenna;

(2)using HFSS to simulate the Nano antenna model, and then change the properties of the antenna, draw the difference of the changes, and then preliminary discussion of the electromagnetic characteristics of the Nano antenna;

(3)summary of the above simulation, explore nano antenna element size, element spacing, shape, material, the number of nano antenna electromagnetic distribution characteristics influence, and provide a direction for the optimization design of the future 

Keywords :  Nanometer grade  Principle of finite element  PMCHWT 

Surface integral equation  MLFMA

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  研究背景和意义 1

1。2  纳米天线的发展与现状 2

1。3  论文结构 4

2  基本原理 6

2。1  引言 6

2。2  有限元方法基本原理 6

2。3  三维介质散射问题的PMCHWT推导 7

2。4  积分方程快速傅里叶变换(IE-FFT)解决方案 9

2。5  多层快速多极子方法(MLFMA) 9

2。6  本章小结 HFSS纳米级天线单元阵列电磁分布特性分析研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_95229.html
