    摘要:当今社会,汽车越来越普遍,所以汽车所引起的环境污染问题也愈发明显。汽车污染主要来源于汽车尾气,所以我们主要解决的问题就是节能减排。那么,燃料问题和汽车材料问题将是未来我们要解决的主要问题。因此,TWIP钢问世了,TWIP强度高,质量比普通钢轻,所以是汽车轻量化的合理材料。Mn元素比较活泼,所以在冶炼时会造成比较大的困难——如何进行合金化。针对高锰钢冶炼的“去碳保锰”问题,需要知道渣中含MnO熔体中MnO的活度来确定冶炼高锰钢的工艺。本研究所研究的是渣中含MnO熔体中MnO的活度,在众多活度测定方法中,根据前人研究经验,本实验选用了化学平衡法测定MnO的活度及活度系数,为确定车用高锰钢冶炼时的冶炼工艺流程及各工序步骤的关键工艺参数奠定坚实的理论基础,为确定AOD精炼车用高锰钢的关键工艺参数及为其精炼实践提供理论指导。结果表明:1600C时,成分为6.15%MnO-45.35%SiO2-35.28%FeO- 3.7%CaO的熔渣中MnO的活度系数为7.87,活度为0.456。21741
    The activity of MnO in the melt containing MnO
    Abstract:In today's society, the car is becoming more and more common, so the problem of environmental pollution caused by automobile is increasingly obvious.Automobile pollution comes mainly from vehicle exhaust, so we mainly solve the problem that the energy-saving emission reduction.So, fuel and automobile materials issues will be the main problem we need to solve in the future.Therefore, TWIP steel has been invented, high strength, quality than ordinarysteel light, so it is reasonable material lightweight car.The Mn element is lively, so in the smelting will cause heavy difficulty.Aiming at the problem of high manganese steel smelting, we need to determine the thermodynamic data of a lot of high manganese steel smelting process.This research is the study of the activity of MnO in MnO melt slag containing, in many activity determination method, according to the experience of previous studies, this experiment is used to measure the chemical equilibrium activity and activity coefficient, MnO, in order to determine the car has laid a solid theoretical foundation for the key process parameters of high manganese steel smelting process and each process step, to determine the AOD with the key process parameters of high manganese steel refining car and provide theoretical guidance for the practice of refining.The results show that: 1600C, components of the activity coefficients of 6.15MnO-45.35SiO2-35.28FeO-3.7CaO in the slag is 7.87 and the activity of MnO is 0.456.
    KeyWords:Activity;Activity coefficient;TWIP steel;Chemical equilibrium method
    1前言    1
    1.1  活度和活度系数[1]    1
    1.1.1 活度    1
    1.1.2 活度系数    1
    1.2  活度的测量方法[2,3]    1
    1.2.1  蒸汽压法    1
    1.2.2  分配定律法    2
    1.2.3  化学平衡法    3
    1.2.4  饱和溶解度法    5
    1.3 去碳保铬和去碳保锰    5
    1.3.1从去碳保铬中联想到去碳保锰    5
    1.3.2 薄渣吹氧脱碳保锰[20]    6
    1.4  TWIP钢    7
    2课题研究的目的和意义    8
    2.1研究背景    8
    2.2 研究目的    8
    2.3 相互作用系数    9
    3实验研究方法    11
    3.1实验原理    11
    3.2  实验原材料    12
    3.3  实验设备    13
    3.4  实验步骤    13
    4 实验结果及分析讨论    14
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