    摘要本论文开展了不等厚汽车镀锌钢板点焊工艺试验的研究,试验采用了热浸镀锌钢板来进行焊接,主要研究了不同的工艺参数的变化对焊缝的力学性能、成形以及显微组织的影响,优化了工艺规范并获得了成形良好的焊点。经过研究确定1.3mm+1.75mm不等厚热浸镀锌钢板合理的点焊规范为:热输入量定在35%—45%,焊接时间定在8—10个周波,气缸压强定在0.3Mpa—0.35Mpa。。在选定的焊接参数范围内的试件的拉剪试验中,剪切强度达到365MPa,达到母材抗拉强的的70%。显微硬度试验中,从薄板到厚板硬度值依次增加。试验过程中的缺陷主要为气孔、未焊透和过烧,其它缺陷主要是指飞溅。气孔主要是焊点内部气孔,降低了焊点的强度。未焊透和过烧都是由于工艺参数不合理造成的。 22429
    关键词  热浸镀锌钢板 镀锌钢板点焊 熔核成形 熔核截面组织 拉剪试验  硬度
    Title   Experimental study of automotive galvanized steel welding process unequal thickness                    
    This paper conducted research ranging from thick galvanized steel welding process test car, the test uses a hot-dip galvanized steel to be welded, the main effect of different process parameters on changes in the mechanical properties of the weld, shape and microscopic affect the organization to optimize the forming process specifications and get a good spot. After ranging study to determine 1.3mm +1.75 mm thick hot-dip galvanized steel welding specification is reasonable: the heat input set at 35% -45%, welding scheduled for 8-10 cycles, cylinder pressure set at 0.3Mpa -0.35Mpa. . Tensile shear tests in the selected welding parameters of the specimen, the shear strength of 365MPa, the tensile strength of the base material reached 70%. Microhardness test, sequentially increasing hardness from thin to thick. Defects during the test is mainly porosity, incomplete penetration and burnt, other defects mainly refers splash. Stomatal pores are mainly internal solder joints, reducing the strength of the solder joints. Incomplete penetration and over-burning process parameters are due to the unreasonable result.
    Keywords: Hot dip galvanized steel    Galvanized steel welding   
    Nugget forming     Nugget section of tissue
    Shear test     Hardness
     目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  镀锌钢板的性能及应用    2
    1.3  电阻点焊的发展    4
    1.4  高强度钢的研究现状    6
    1.5  镀锌钢板点焊工艺的研究现状    7
    1.6  本课题研究的主要内容    9
    2  试验材料、设备及方法    9
    2.1  试验材料    9
    2.2  试验设备    10
    2.3  试验方法    12
    3  不等汽车厚镀锌钢板电焊工艺对焊接质量的影响    14
    3.1  焊接电流对焊接质量的影响    14
    3.2  焊接时间对焊接质量的影响    16
    3.3  电极压力对焊接质量的影响    18
    4  焊点性能检测    19
    4.1  焊点的拉剪试验    19
    4.2  熔核显微硬度的测量与分析    20
    4.3  不等厚汽车镀锌钢板点焊的工艺缺陷    20
    4.4  本章小结    20
    结  论    22
    致  谢    23
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