    关键词  石英晶振  石英光纤探针  控制系统  精密测量
    Title   Research of Mechanical Measurement Module about Simple  Scanning Probe System based on quartz tuning fork    
    With the continuous development of technology of welding, it is important to measure the morphology, the mechanical behaviors, the thermal properties and so on many physical parameters of material and its structure in nano scale. The scanning probe techniques is the major means of measurement on physical properties of materials in nano scale.
    In this paper, the quartz tuning fork with high quality factor is used as ultra high sensitivity sensor,and the silica fiber is melting stretched as a probe in nano scale to stick to the quartz tuning fork. The preamplifier is designed and made to magnify the tiny current signal 100M times, and convert to the voltage signal. The lock-in amplifier can extract the amplitude and phase of quartz tuning fork sensor automatically. The quality factor of the quartz tuning fork with a quartz fiber probe is 3244 by measurement, and the quality factor is much higher than the traditional micro-cantilever which is about 200. The control of displacement platform uses the LabVIEW program and PID (Proportion Integration Differentiation) feedback technology. The distance between the quartz fiber probe and the sample can be stable controlled ,and the accuracy of the control is in nano scale. By the whole system, the measurements of morphology, mechanical and other physical properties of the nano structures of weldments can be realized.
    Keywords  Quartz tuning fork  Quartz fiber probe  Control system 
              Precise measurement
    目   次
    1 绪论  1
    1.1  扫描探针显微镜的发展概况  1
    1.2  微悬臂的制备技术的发展概况  3
    1.3  本文研究的主要内容及意义  4
    2 石英晶振微力传感器的设计与制作  6
    2.1  石英晶振微力传感器的原理分析  6
    2.2 石英晶振微力传感器的优势  9
    2.3  纳米级光纤探针的设计制作  9
    2.4  小结  10
    3 扫描探针显微镜控制系统的设计与测试  12
    3.1  前置电路的设计与测试  12
    3.2  PID反馈系统的设计  17
    3.3  位移台控制的设计  18
    3.4  小结  26
    结论  27
    致谢  28
    参考文献  29
    附录A  石英晶振的振幅-频率数据  30
    1  绪论
    扫描探针显微镜(Scanning Probe Microscopy,SPM)是一种观测仪器,能够观测到材料表面的微观样貌、特征及各种物理化学性能,在近二十几年来得到了很好的发展,其主要研究材料表面的微观样貌,以及材料在微观尺度的物理、化学性质,对于材料微观组织的研究有着举足轻重的意义。SPM可以在纳米尺度上测量材料的表面样貌,从而能够对材料表面进行定域表征。随着人们对材料及其的微观性质的深入研究,扫描探针显微镜技术越来越受到重视,其发展也得到极大的促进,并且广泛应用于各不同方面。
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