    关键字  石墨烯  CVD  近常压光电子能谱  界面相互作用  氧化
    Title     Research on The Interaction of Graphene-Copper Using   Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Spectroscopy                                                
    Graphene is a new material  with one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms packed in a hexagonal lattice. In this paper,we use chemical vapor deposition method (CVD) grow a  full-covered monolayer graphene on the copper foil surface.For the preparation of graphene using CVD method ,most of the existing investigations have focused on the controllable growth of graphene and the in-plane characteristics of graphene,while much less attention has been paid to the interfacial properties of graphene/metal systems. The knowledge of interfacial interactions for graphene/metal systems is useful for many reasons, ranging from interest in understanding the basic properties of material to applied areas of research.In this paper,we use the Surface research method of photoelectron spectroscopy learning the interaction of graphene / Cu.
    The study found that in the range from room temperature to 200 ℃,gases such as CO, O2 are difficult to embed the graphene / copper insert layer. And the graphene /copper foil samples will be oxidized when placed in the dry box, and forming copper oxides and various oxides of carbon.
    Keywords  graphene, CVD, ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy,interfacial
    目   次
    1 引言 1
    1.1 X射线光电子能谱 1
    1.2 石墨烯-金属研究现状 1
    1.3 本文主要内容 2
    2 实验仪器介绍 4
    2.1 AP-XPS历史及发展现状 4
    2.2 AP-XPS工作原理 6
    2.2.1 光电效应 6
    2.2.2 结合能测定原理 7
    2.2.3 信号衰减与静电透镜 8
    2.2.4 半球能量分析器 9
    3 实验过程 10
    3.1 石墨烯/铜的制备10
    3.2 对比实验 12
    4 结果与讨论 16
    4.1 实验结果 16
    4.2 未来展望 16
    结论  17
    致谢  18
    1  引言
    1.1 X射线光电子能谱
    X射线光电子能谱(XPS)是一种广泛应用的表面分析方法与技术,是用单色X射线辐照样品,并用能量分析器测得出射光电子的能量,从而得到样品表面元素成分及化学态等定性、定量的信息。 过去的几十年,在超高真空下进行的表面科学研究已经充分体现了其卓越性。电子在凝聚态物质中极短的弹性平均自由程体现了该技术的独特性,能量在几个eV至几千eV的电子穿透距离仅几个原子的厚度,这就是表面科学的全部,所以分析从表面发射或散射出的电子能够得到物质表面的信息[1]。
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