    摘要由于家电产品功能差异化小,家电行业进入壁垒低,家电企业的市场竞争和顾客竞争愈演愈烈。家电企业为能在激烈的竞争环境中取胜,纷纷把竞争焦点从产品价格竞争转向产品售后保证服务竞争。1995 年,全国人大常委会通过了《产品质量法》,即“三包”法,要求企业为产品售后缺陷提供文修、更换及退货保证。此后,家电企业更加重视产品售后保证带来的竞争优势。优质的产品售后保证服务为消费者提供保障的同时也大大提升了企业的市场竞争力,提升用户的满意度和忠诚度,实现企业和消费者的共赢。但是,由于企业管理方法落后、产品保证体系不完善以及售后保证人员的素质跟不上科技进步的速度等现实因素,国内家电行业的售后质量保证还存在一些问题。为了解决这些问题,本文对家电产品售后质量保证策略与模式进行了深入研究,并以美的电器股份有限公司的产品售后保证体系的分析了家电产品售后质量保证策略以及该策略下的生产商利润模型。此外,本文就目前国内家电行业存在的问题提出针对性的改进措施,致力于完善家电产品售后质量保证体系。31116
    毕业论文关键字:产品保证    质量管理    保修策略    生产商利润模型
    Title      After-sale Quality Warranty Policies and Models for Home Appliance Product
    Abstract Given the functional differentiation of small and low barriers to entry, home appliance industry competition intensified market competition and customer. In fierce competition market, more producers turn the focus of competition from product quality to warranty service. In China, the National People's Congress (NPC) passed the "Product Quality Law" in 1995. That is "three guarantees", requiring the companies offer guarantees of repair, replace, refund of its products. Since then, domestic home appliance companies have paid more attention to the importance of product warranty. Better product warranty can provide protection to consumers and enhance their market competitiveness, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and achieve win-win for businesses and consumers.  However, due to backward management methods, imperfect product assurance system, poor technical for maintenance personnel  etc.,  product warranty service still has some problems in domestic household appliance market.  To solve these problems, this paper analyzes the strategy and model appliance warranty. Case in after-sales product warranty system of the Midea household appliances Inc., we analyze appliance product warranty policies  and manufacturers profit model under this policy.  Finally, we make some suggestions for domestic appliance industry problems at present.  
    Keywords:  Product Warranty; Quality Management; Warranty Policy;  Manufacturer Profit Model
    目   次
    1  引言  ..  1
    1.1  选题背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    1
    1.3  研究思路    2
    2  产品保证的研究综述和理论基础  ..  3
    2.1  产品保证的国内外研究现状  .  3
    2.2  产品保证的概念    4
    2.3  产品售后质量保证的作用  ..  4
    2.4  产品保证策略的分类  .  5
    3  案例分析―美的电器的产品售后质量保证  .  8
    3.1 美的电器股份有限公司简介  ..  8
    3.2 美的电器的产品售后保证体系  .  8
    3.3 关于家用电器的“三包”政策  ..  10
    3.4 家电售后保证存在的问题及原因分析  ..  11
    4  美的电器的产品售后质量保证分析与改进  ..  13
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