    毕业论文关键词:超分子超支化聚合物; 主-客体相互作用; 金属配位作用;
    In recent years, supramolecular hyperbranched polymer (SHPs) has become a hot topic of polymer science. Compared with linear polymers, hyperbranched polymers adopt a large number of terminal functional groups, are highly soluble in appropriate solvents, and have low solution and melt viscosities. Due to the non-covalent bonds dynamic reversible, its external environmental stimuli (concentration, solvent, temperature, metal ions or protons) has a certain response, having self-healing properties characteristics, certain shape memory and ease of processing. Therefore, these features make the hyperbranched polymer having a certain value in polymer processing, coatings, bio-pharmaceutical, surface modification and other fields. In this article, we designed  a supramolecular hyperbranched polymer monomer, and the formation of this polymer is based on the metal-ligand interaction between terpyridine group and Zn(OTf)2 and the host-guest interactions between dibenzo[24]-crown-8 (DB24C8) and dialkylammonium (DBA). The dibenzo[24]crown-8 (DB24C8) and terpyridine simultaneously introduced into a single small molecule, which is made as the host molecule, meanwhile the hyperbranched polymer can be controlled as the on-off swtich by adding the  transition metal ions, competitive ligands, ammonium salts, or changing the pH, which can make the process of assembling persities and self-healing.
    Keyword: supramolecular hyperbranched polymers; host-guest interaction; metal-ligand interaction;
    目    录
    摘  要    2
    Abstract    3
    1前言    5
    1.1 超分子聚合物背景    5
    1.2 超分子聚合物    6
    1.2.1 基于金属配位作用的超分子聚合物    6
    1.2.2基于主客体相互作用的超分子聚合物    8
    1.2.3 基于金属配位作用及主客体相互作用的超分子超支化聚合物    9
    2 实验过程    10
    2.1主要实验试剂及仪器    10
    2.2主体单体分子的合成    10
    2.2.1 化合物5的合成    11
    2.2.2 化合物2的合成    12
    2.2.3 化合物4的合成    13
    2.2.4 化合物3的合成    15
    2.2.4 化合物1的合成    17
    3 总结与展望    19
    参考文献    20
    致  谢    22
    与传统的高分子化学不同,超分子化学[2-3]是一门新兴的学科。1978年,法国莱恩(Jean-Marie Lehn)教授在超分子领域有杰出的贡献并给出了超分子化学的概念。Lehn教授将超分子聚合物定义为将相同或不同的单体单元通过弱的相互作用(非共价键)结合而形成的聚合物结构。正因为Jean-Marie Lehn教授在超分子化学方面做出的杰出贡献,其与佩德森教授(Charles Pedersen)和克拉姆教授(Donald James Cram)共享了当年的诺贝尔化学奖,这是超分子化学进入学术界的敲门砖,自此之后超分子化学也广泛受到重视并发展成为一门独立的学科。
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