
    摘要活性炭是用生物有机物质包括煤、石油和沥青之类在内经过炭化、活化等工序制成的一种无定形炭。活性炭以其丰富的孔结构、发达的比表面积及易于改性的表面含氧官能团,是一种良好的脱硫剂或脱硫催化剂载体[1]。由于燃油组分的复杂性以及芳烃类与噻吩类化合物的竞争吸附等因素的影响,活性炭吸附脱硫实验往往与理论值相差甚远,故本文主要利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件对模拟燃油的吸附脱硫模拟,分别对吸附平衡常数(K)、燃油流速(v_in)、硫化物浓度(c)、脱硫柱高径比以及单组份和多组分模拟燃料油吸附脱硫进行了模拟。49724

    毕业论文关键词: 活性炭, 吸附脱硫,COMSOL Multiphysics软件,竞争吸附

    Abstract Activated carbon is a kind of amorphous carbon, which is made by the carbonization and activation using coal, oil and asphalt as carbon precursors. It has rich pores, developed specific surface area and surface oxygen functional groups,which is widely used as adsorbent. Because of complexity of fuel components and aromatics and the competitive adsorption of thiophene compounds and other  compounds, adsorption desulfurization with activated carbon is often far from the theoretical value. In this paper, COMSOL Multiphysics software is used to simulate the adsorptive desulfurization of model fuels containing thiophenic compounds. Adsorption equilibrium constant (K), fuel flow rate (v), the concentration of sulfur compounds (c), height of desulfurization column, ratio of height to diameter, single sulfur component and multi sulfur components are simulated, which agree well with experimental results.

    KeyWords: Activated carbon, Adsorption desulfurization, COMSOL Multiphysics software, Competitive adsorption

     目  录

    1  课题背景 1

    文献综述 2

    2.1  燃油脱硫的意义 2

    2.1.1  燃油中的硫的存在形态 2

    2.2  燃油脱硫方法 2

    2.2.1  加氢脱硫法 2

    2.2.2  非加氢脱硫法 3

    2.3  脱硫吸附机理 3

    2.4  脱硫吸附剂 5

    2.4.1  活性炭的表面化学结构 6

    2.4.2  活性炭的性能指标 6

    2.5  COMSOL Multiphysics软件的介绍 7

    2.6  模拟吸附脱硫的意义 8

    3  实验部分 9

    3.1  实验模拟软件 9

    3.2 实验模拟方法 9

    3.2.1 软件模拟原理 9

    3.2.2  软件操作步骤及方法 11

    4  实验结果与分析 13

    4.1  单组分含噻吩类硫化物燃油的吸附脱硫模拟 13

    4.2  改变燃油中噻吩类硫化物的浓度对吸附脱硫的影响 15

    4.3  改变脱硫柱径对吸附脱硫的影响 16

    4.4  改变燃油的流速对吸附脱硫的影响 17

    4.5  多组分硫化物燃油的吸附脱硫模拟 18

    4.5.1  关于强弱吸附质都出现“驼峰”的解释

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