    Title:Properties about low cycle Fatigue of Solution AZ80 bar                 
    AZ80 magnesium alloy is a new magnesium alloy that is widely used.However, the research of fatigue behavior is rare and seriously hampered the security applications.The experiments on the solution AZ80 magnesium alloy were in strain control mode to study its low cycle fatigue properties.And use optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to characterize the morphology.The study found that:there is significant tension and compression asymmetry phenomenon about solid solution magnesium alloys, which leads to fatigue hysteresis loop asymmetry, and the asymmetry increases with the increase of strain amplitude.The existence of residual twins leaded to cyclic hardening behavior in the fatigue process.Plastic strain amplitude decreases with the increase of cycle times.Fatigue crack initiates in the surface.The experiment provides a certain reference value to the fatigue mechanism of magnesium alloy and security applications.
    Keywords:Magnesium Alloy,Solution,Low cycle fatigue, Asymmetry of Tension and Compression.
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 前言    1
    1.2 镁合金的牌号及分类    2
    1.3镁合金的塑性变形机制    3
    1.4 镁合金的疲劳    4
    1.5  本课题的背景和意义    11
    2 实验材料、设备及方法    12
    2.1 实验材料    12
    2.2 实验设备    12
    2.3 AZ80镁合金的常温力学实验    12
    2.4 疲劳实验内容与方案    12
    3  实验结果与分析    14
    3.1  金相组织    14
    3.2 常温力学实验结果分析    14
    3.2 疲劳实验结果分析    15
    3.3  断口形貌观察    19
    结论    21
    致谢    22
    参 考 文 献    23
     1 绪论
    1.1 前言
    镁是常用有色金属之一,其在地壳中的含量达到2.1%~2.7%,在所有元素中排第优尔位,是仅次于铝、铁、钙居第四位的金属元素。主要来自海水、天然盐湖水、白云岩、菱镁矿和橄榄石等。纯镁为银白色金属,原子系数12,原子质量24.32,密度1.74g/㎝3。晶体结构为密排优尔方结构,常温下,晶格常数为a = 0.3202nm, c = 0.5199nm,晶胞的轴比为 c/a = 1.624。镁的主要物理性能数据如表1.1所示[1]。镁的化学活性高,故其耐腐蚀性很差,在潮湿大气、海水、无机酸及其盐类、有机酸、甲醇等介质中均会引起剧烈的腐蚀。

    (g/cm3)    熔点
    (℃)      膨胀系数
    (10-6/℃)    导热系数
    (W/m•℃)    比热
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