    内容摘要本次毕业设计主要是针对汉兴中式快餐的品牌形象塑造及在徐州地区营销推广策划, 在确定选题之后, 我们小组通过实地的市场调查, 发现在整个快餐品类高速成长的进程中, “洋品牌”食品安全事故频发导致正消费趋势转向,中式快餐在增长比例上高于西式快餐。在口选择方面,消费者则主要表现为向食品健康安全方面发展,希望快餐品种多样化,更喜欢有特色的快餐。我们发现,中式快餐消费群体年龄在 25 至 44 岁之间,调研发现,随着消费者年龄的增长,倾向于中式快餐的明显增多。汉兴中式营养快餐由于是新进入市场的品牌,整个的资源、经验都积累不够。对于品牌主打的 “营养” 这一卖点并没有提炼出足够的信息点去支撑, 消费者难以很快接受这一理念。产品定位模糊,品牌形象不清晰,很难在激烈的市场竞争中与对手区别开。另外,针对越来越庞大的快餐消费市场,就汉兴快餐的品牌发展而言,我们认为要抓住自身优势,主打原材料,前期通过一系列的传播营销活动宣传食品原材料的安全、健康,推广汉兴中式快餐的营养、健康的产品形象,通过有效的传播活动,以“好食材,真营养”为宣传口号,打造独特的汉兴品牌快餐厅,为以后汉兴快餐品牌推向全国市场打下基础。32336
    Abstract The graduation project is mainly for the Hanxing brand image design and Xuzhou region topromote the marketing communication plan to do the whole case.We start from the marketresearch, and we found that due to the food safety incident of foreign brands,the Chinese fast foodhas been experiencing rapid development.when it comes to the flavor ,customers always prefer thefood that healthy and safety,they hope that fast food can be made persified and Characteristicly.We find that along with the growth of the age,our target customers ,ranging from 25 to 44, actmore like Chinese fast food.To sum up, as a new brand into the market, at the case of lacking resources and experience,it’s difficult for Hanxing to promote with the simple idea of “nutrition”.Product positioning is fuzzy, as well as the brand image is not clear, Hanxing may face the challenge of how to exploit a segment market to gain the competitive advantage in the fierce market.With the increasingly development of the fast food market,taking use of Hanxing’sadvantages ,emphasizing the original food material could be the best way to promote the brand.Inthe earlier stage,we will express the concept of safe and healthy original food material by the wayof a series of marketing communication activities to popularize the product image of nutritiousand healthy.We take “Good Material, True Nutrition”as the communication slogan,creating the uniquebrand of Hanxing Chinese Fast Food Restaurant,making the foundation for the brand chain in thefuture .
    Key words:Hanxing Chinese Fast Food Restaurant;Good Material;True NutritionBrand Image;Marketing Communication
    第一章 项目概述与毕业设计分析说明03
    第二章 徐州汉兴餐饮项目简介及调查分析12
  1. 上一篇:关于白酒的调查问卷
  2. 下一篇:气味博物馆市场调查问卷表
  1. 米饭先生13元快餐加盟 米...

  2. 目前比較火的快餐加盟 现...

  3. 1万以下快餐加盟店 洧没洧...

  4. 外卖快餐加盟品牌排行榜...

  5. 中式英语(Chinglish)产生原因的调查问卷

  6. 淮安中西式快餐的问卷调查表

  7. Toeplitz定理及其应用+文献综述

  8. 甲硫醇钠生产工艺设计任务书

  9. 货币国际化国内外研究现状

  10. 街头游园设计

  11. 进出口贸易与经济增长文献综述和参考文献

  12. 身体自尊量表(PSPP)

  13. 多级反馈队列调度算法的研究+源代码

  14. 从何红舟《桥上的风景》中感受油画构成美

  15. 运动员广告形象塑造文献综述和参考文献

  16. 玫瑰精油特征香气成分研究




