
    Appendix. 18
    1.1 Significance of the Research      As a new way of shopping, online shopping has become indispensable for many people. More than 400 million Chinese net-users have chosen to shop on the net.   Especially, online shopping is more popular among young people. At present, countries around the world generally agree that the development of online shopping will be an important driving force for economic development in the following 20 years.   The majority of China's Internet users are among the age group of 20 to 29. Accounting for 29.9 percent  of the age group, students are one of the mainstream consumer groups. With the development of Internet and  E-commerce, university students, who are prone to accept new things, will be the main group of online shopping population. Therefore, this paper to study university students’ herd mentality and behavior in online shopping is of great significance.
    1.2 Aim of the Research The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and research conformity in university students’ online shopping through a certain method and then to  draw  a conclusion, so that some rational measures could be given to solve the problems found by this investigation.
    1.3 The Thesis Statement In this paper, I mainly did research on university students’ conformity behavior from the aspect of influencing factors with the following four assumptions: H1: University students' personal factors influence the conformity in online shopping. H2: Group factors influence university students’ conformity in online shopping. H3:  Situational factors influence university students’ conformity in online shopping. H4: University students have a positive evaluation on their conformity behavior in online shopping.
    1.4 The Overall Structure of the Paper This paper includes five parts in total. The first part is “Introduction”, a general description of the research. It tells about the significance, the aim and other information about the research. The second part is “Literature Review”, telling about the basic meaning and background of the research. For example, I gave definitions of some key terms and words. The third part is “Methodology”, a part about the method I chose to carry on the research. The forth part is “Results and Discussion”, showing the result of the research and my analysis of it. The fifth part is “Conclusion”, which tells what I have got by the research. In the last part of the paper are “Reference” and “Appendix”.
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