    AbstractWatsons, a leading health and beauty retailer in Asia, is reaping benefits fromits Store brand. It holds the philosophy of bringing more to customers’ lives and thekey spirit of friendliness, profession and care.The study of Store brand abroad began in 1984 while the study of marketingstrategies began earlier in 1960. In China, attention hasn’t been paid to Store brandsince recently. There are little theoretical study and application. Studies of marketingstrategies also lack of systematicness. This thesis, on the basis of 4P marketingstrategies, will look into Watsons’ store brand in terms of product, price, place andpromotion, in the hope of finding out the success of Watsons’ store brand.A questionnaire and on-spot observation has been conducted. Some conclusionshave been reached in this thesis. Firstly, the marketing strategies of Watsons’ storebrand mainly focus on pricing strategy and promotional strategy. Personal selling andsales promotion are its major concern. Secondly, the marketing strategies of Watsons’store brand have advantages and disadvantages. Low price, good quality, finereputation and sales promotion all contributes to the success of Watsons’ store brand.However, more efforts should be put into the development of placing strategies, thepromotion of its visibility, as well as a balance between price and quality.In this thesis, some useful information may be left out, so it may lack solidevidence. But it still has great significance in developing store brand for retailers.41250
    Key words: Watsons marketing strategies store brand
    摘要屈臣氏是亚洲最大的个人护理零售企业, 自有品牌的发展为它带来了巨大的效益,秉承顾客效益最大化理念,屈臣氏本着“友善+专业+关怀”的宗旨,屈臣氏致力使每个消费者最大程度的享受生活。国外对自有品牌的研究始于1984 年, 而对营销策略的研究在 1960年就已开始。国内近年来自有品牌才受到重视,相关理论研究和实践都很少,对营销策略的研究也缺乏系统性。本研究以 4P营销策略为理论基础,从产品、价格、分销和促销四方面来研究屈臣氏的自有品牌,希望得出屈臣氏自有品牌的制胜法宝。本研究主要以发放问卷为主,同时结合实际调查。研究发现,(1)屈臣氏自有品牌的营销策略主要集中在价格策略和促销策略上,在促销策略中,重心主要放在人员销售和销售促进上。而且渠道策略没有受到重视。(2)屈臣氏的营销策略有利有弊。低价、质量保障、品牌信誉和促销促成了屈臣氏自有品牌的成功。但是渠道策略的开发、产品知名度的提升、以及价格和质量天平的守恒需要更多的精力投入。本研究在对营销策略的调查中也许存在遗漏, 但是为其他零售商实施自有品牌的发展方面仍具有借鉴意义。
    毕业论文关键词:屈臣氏 营销策略 自有品牌
    Chapter One Introduction.1
    1.1 General Statement of the Paper .1
    1.2 Research Significance2
    1.3 Overall Structure of the Paper3
    Chapter Two Literature Review4
    2.1 Theoretical framework.4
    2.1.1 Definition of store brands4
    2.1.2 4P Marketing strategies.4
    2.2 Related studies5
    2.2.2 Related studies abroad.6
    2.2.2 Related studies at home.8
    Chapter Three Methodology.10
    3.1 Research questions,10
    3.2 Research subjects.10
    3.3 Research instruments11
    3.4 Research procedure11
    Chapter Four Results and Discussion.13
    4.1 Marketing strategies ofWatsons' store brand.13
    4.1.1 Product strategies14
    4.2.2 Pricing strategies.16
    4.2.3 Placing strategies.17
    4.2.4 Promotion strategies18
    4.2 Implications of the Marketing Strategies ofWatsons' store brand.21
    4.2.1 Advantages of the marketing strategies of Watsons’ store brand21
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