
    以下每个问题有五个选项: 1。十分不符合 2。不符合 3。不确定 4。符合5。十分符合,请把符合自身情况的选项数字填在括号内。74794

    1。我喜欢老师讲课前,通过预设情境导入新知识。(  )

    2。我认为课后训练能及时巩固所学内容,对掌握知识很有帮助。(  )

    3。拓展延伸练习应与实际运用相关,激发学生自主学习兴趣。(  )

    4。教学案内容过于形式化,不实用。(  )论文网

    5。增加基础性的习题,打牢基础。(  )

    6。教学案中应该增加小组讨论活动,体现合作学习的精神。( )

    7。教学案的设计不应公式化,要结合学生的实际情况。( )

    8。教学案要结合多媒体资源的运用,直观形象。( )

    9。教学案中要增加生动有趣的活动,提高学生注意力。( )

    10。教案教学有益于对所学知识的构建。( )


    (  )1.Where is Tom ? He ________ experiment over there.

     A.is doing all  B.has done an  C.was doing the   D.did an

    (  )2.It’s clever       Peter to give up        in the river.

    A.for, swimming   B.of ,to swim   C.of, swimming  D.for, to swim

    (  )3.Do you have any apples in the box ? No       is left.

    A.One    B.None    C.Something   D.Nothing

    (  )4.I have two houses to       .But I can’t decide      .

    A.1ire, which one            B.1ive in,to choose which one

    C.1ive in,which one to choose D.1ive,which one to choose.

    (  )5.I hear the programme will be        .

    A.covered alive  B.covering lively   C.covering live   D.covered live

    (  )6.The elderly       walking        .

    A.preferred, to jog         B.prefer , to jogging

    C.would rather ,than jog.  D.would rather than , jogging

    (  )7.When I went into the room,I found it       already.

    A.is cleaned      B.to clean  C.was cleaning   D.cleaned

    (  )8.Could you tell me who to       help?

    A.talk to    B.talk to for    C.talk for   D.talk with

    (  )9.The thief stole my purse       I knew it.

    A.before    B.until    C.while  D.after

    (  )10.The girl student greets       she meets in the school in the morning.

    A.Everybody  B.somebody    C.anybody   D.nobody.

    (  )11.While I       a novel,someone      at the door. 

    A.read,was knocking            B.read,knocked

    C.was reading,knocked.        D.was reading,was knocking

    (  )12.Our parents are very strict      us       our study.

    A.with ,in      B.to,in      C.on , at     D.with,  on

    (  )13.Jim       be at work.I know he has gone to England.

     A.mustn’t       B.Can’t    C.needn’t   D.may not.

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