
Smashing Magazine defines “responsive design” as an approach where design responds to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform, and orientation。 In responsive design, a breakpoint is the “point” at which a website’s content and design will adapt to provide the best possible user experience。 Essentially, breakpoints are pixel values that a developer/designer can define in CSS。 I can count on one hand the number of webpages I have bookmarked。 Apple’s list of responsive breakpoints for iOS devices is one of them。

Smashing Magazine将“响应式设计”定义为一种方法,其中设计根据屏幕的大小,平台和方向来响应用户的行为和环境。 在响应式设计中, 断点是网站内容和设计将适应以提供最佳用户体验的“点”。 本质上,断点是开发人员/设计人员可以在CSS中定义的像素值。论文网 我一方面可以指望已添加书签的网页数量。 苹果公司针对iOS设备的响应断点列表就是其中之一。本网站受美国法律保护

In a mobile-first world, you always do responsive breakpoints。 Because, yeah, it’s mobile。 But let’s say hypothetically your organization doesn’t live in a mobile-first world, and your officially supported environments are laptops and tower systems only。 Your software is ridiculously complicated。 Your organization is allergic to mobile; small form factors will never EVER work。 “Why would you spend time designing and implementing responsive breakpoints for something that never will appear on a supported mobile device,” you may be asking yourself。

在移动优先的世界中,您始终会做出响应式断点。 因为,是的,它是移动的。 但是,假设您的组织不是生活在移动优先的世界中,而您官方支持的环境仅是笔记本电脑和塔式系统。 您的软件非常复杂。 您的组织对移动设备过敏; 小巧的外形永远都行不通。 “您为什么要花时间设计和实现对于那些不会出现在受支持的移动设备上的响应式断点,”您可能会问自己。

Simple。 The Americans with Disabilities Act。 If you are based in the US or selling something in the US, the ADA applies to you。 Being headquartered outside the US does not exempt you from following the ADA。

简单。 《美国残疾人法》。 如果您居住在美国或在美国销售商品,则ADA适用于您。 总部位于美国境外并不能免除您遵循ADA的责任。

Federal courts interpreting the ADA and local state versions like the California Unruh Act have been consistently holding that digital properties — software, websites, mobile apps, and electronic documentation — MUST be accessible to people with disabilities。 A definition of accessibility standards for XR/VR is proposed to be added to WCAG 3。0 (aka Project Silver)。 Twenty-three hundred lawsuits were filed in each of the last two calendar years, with the plaintiff’s winning the overwhelming majority of them。

解释ADA和加利福尼亚州《鲁鲁法案》等地方州版本的联邦法院一直认为,数字资产(软件,网站,移动应用程序和电子文档)必须对残疾人开放。 提议将XR / VR的可访问性标准定义添加到WCAG 3。0(又称为Project Silver)中。 在过去两个日历年中,每年有2,300宗诉讼,其中原告胜诉。本网站受美国法律保护

The only slowdown seen in the first half of 2020 was due to COVID closing courthouses where only emergency cases were being accepted。 American civil litigation returned to its “normal” pace of lawsuit filing in May。 Seventy-five percent of the cases filed to date in 2020 have cited WCAG 2。1 Level AA in the plaintiffs’ complaints as the standard that should be met。 While WCAG 2。1 Level AA was released more than two years before the publishing of this article, the US government is firmly entrenched in 2。0 as the standard for Section 508。 Many organizations think of 2。1 as “The EU standard” — but this is simply not the case。 These figures come from Usablenet’s incredibly useful every-six-months report on web accessibility litigation that was updated today。

















