
    mass was studied for these modes.
    Based on this analysis, the first mode is mainly axial, with a strong displacement of carriage position, whereas the second and third modes are mainly torsional.
    However, as the screw lead increases, the axial– torsional coupling increases accordingly and it is not suitable to consider each mode as pure axial or torsional.
    As the axial–torsional coupling varies, the frequency sensitivity of each mode to operating conditions varies. A strong axial–torsional coupling makes the
    frequency value of the first mode to be less sensitive to load mass variations. However, a low axial–torsional coupling may be preferred to minimize frequency variations of the second mode for variable carriage positions.
    The transmission ratio is a key design parameter with direct influence on the degree of axial–torsional coupling, which dominates the modes frequency shift.
    Therefore, it has a significant effect on the robustness of the control strategies used for position control.

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    Diego A. Vicente • Rogelio L. Hecker •
    Fernando J. Villegas • Gustavo M. Flores    

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