
    its driving heat from a motor co-generation unit and is
    specially designed for weather conditions with high
    humidity ratios of the ambient air. A pilot system has
    been installed in fall 2003 at the client building of the
    gas utility of the municipality of Palermo (AMG) in Sic-
    ily/Italy and the system is commissioned and operated
    with accompanying monitoring during 2004.
    2. Desiccant air handling unit configuration
    As a first step of the project different configurations
    of desiccant air handling units were compared in order
    to identify the configuration which is able to provide de-
    sired supply air conditions with a minimum of energy
    consumption. However, before the different new designs
    are presented and compared, the standard desiccant
    cycle as used in temperate climates is described in detail
    in order to show the general operation principle. Based
    on this cycle different modifications were made in order
    to adjust it to the specific needs in a warm-humid
    2.1. Standard desiccant cooling cycle
    The standard cycle which is mostly applied today uses
    rotating desiccant wheels, equipped either with silica gel
    or lithium-chloride as sorption material. All required
    components are standard components and have been
    in use for air-conditioning of buildings or factories since
    many years.
    The standard cycle using a desiccant wheel is shown
    in Fig. 1 and the corresponding states of the air in the
    cycle are shown in Fig. 2. Systems according to thisscheme are typically employed in temperate climates;
    the example of Fig. 1 is based on typical design condi-
    tions in Central Europe (e.g. Germany). The air follows
    the following processes during the system:
    1 ! 2 sorptive dehumidification of supply air; the
    process is almost adiabatic and the air is heated
    by the adsorption heat and the hot matrix of
    the wheel coming from the regeneration side;
    2 ! 3 pre-cooling of the supply air in counter-flow to
    the return air from the building;
    3 ! 4 evaporative cooling of the supply air to the
    desired supply air humidity by means of a
    4 ! 5 the heating coil is used only in the heating sea-
    son for pre-heating of air;
    5 ! 6 a small temperature increase is caused by the
    6 ! 7 supply air temperature and humidity are
    increased by means of internal loads;
    7 ! 8 return air from the building is cooled using
    evaporative cooling close to the saturation line;
    8 ! 9 the return air is pre-heated in counter-flow to
    the supply air by means of a high efficient
    air-to-air heat exchanger, e.g. a heat recover
    wheel;9 ! 10 regeneration heat is provided for instance by
    means of a co-generation system;
    10 ! 11 the water bound in the pores of the desiccant
    material of the dehumidifer wheel is desorbed
    by the hot air;
    11 ! 12 exhaust air is blown to the environment by
    means of the return air fan.
    Application of the cycle described above is limited to
    temperate climates. Reason is, that the achievable sup-
    ply air dehumidification is not high enough to enable di-
    rect evaporative cooling at conditions with far higher
    values of the humidity of ambient air.
    3. Cycles adjusted to humid climates
    For all studied cycles the same boundary conditions,
    i.e., temperature and humidity values of ambient air,
    supply air to the building, return air from the building
    and regeneration air to regenerate the sorption material
    were assumed. These values are shown in Table 1. The
    following modified cycles which all use cooling coils in
    addition to the sorptive wheel were studied regarding
    their energy performance:
    • Standard cycle with a cooling coil added behind the
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