
    membranes that can play effective role in separation of these com-
    ponents are microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse
    osmosis and electrodialysis membranes. Microbial cells and pro-
    teins can quickly foul all membranes though extent of fouling
    may be far less in microfiltration membranes compared to that
    in nanofiltration or reverse osmosis membranes. However, mem-
    branes used in some particular modules may be operated for
    long without much fouling. Microfiltration membranes having the
    largest pore size (0.1–0.2m) among the categories can separate
    microbial cells for their subsequent recycling to the bioreactor to
    ensure high cell concentration and thus high productivity. Ultrafil-
    tration membranes with average pore size much less than that of
    the microfiltration membranes can retain cells and proteins. Sepa-
    ration bymicrofiltration and ultrafiltrationmembranes is based on
    size exclusion and for effective cell harvesting, at least 100–300 kDa
    molecular weight cut off (MWCO) value should be ensured [17] for
    this. Nanofiltration membranes being in between reverse osmo-
    sis and ultrafiltration membranes with average pore size of 1 nm
    can separate cells, proteins, nutrients, salts, and unconverted car-
    bon sources from lactic acid. Reverse osmosis normally known
    as nonporous membrane where separation is based on solution
    diffusion mechanism can separate the same components from fer-
    mentation broth as nanofiltration membranes do but at much
    higher operating pressure than what is needed in nanofiltration.
    The schematic flow diagram in Fig. 3. shows how such micro,
    ultra, nano or reverse osmosis membrane modules can be cou-
    pled with a fermentor permitting continuous removal of acid from
    the broth and separation of cells, nutrients or unconverted car-
    bon sources for their subsequent recycle. The scheme in the Fig. 3
    shows a single stage integration of a membrane module as has
    been investigated in several studies over the last two decades.
    Separation and recycle of the components depends on the type
    of membrane used. For example, if a microfiltration membrane
    module is coupled, only cells are likely to be retained while per-
    mitting acids, unconverted carbon sources, proteins nutrients and
    water to pass to the permeate side. This however, ensures con-
    tinuous removal of acid from the fermentor helping to arrest文章概述
    1.    简介
  1. 上一篇:室内空调英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:热镶件注塑模具英文文献和中文翻译
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