2. File management operations such as opening and saving a 3D object file.
5.2.3 Application Modules (C)
These are the actual 3D-based application modules that sit between the 3D developer layer and the application user-interface. The design of these modules depends mainly on the nature of the applications and often differs greatly. The main bulk of the developmental work is carried out in this area. The ease of the development, however, depends on the capabilities of the 3D developer layer.
5.2.4 Other Software Modules (D)
Very often, the 3D-based application may require functionality from other existing software modules or application modules.Therefore, such a link may exist. An example of such a requirement is illustrated in the implementation section of this paper.
5.3 Development of Inpidual Modules
Each module to be developed is studied and analysed before a suitable design is produced. The ease of development depends greatly on the design of the framework and the developer tools selected. The next section illustrates the implementation of the3D Kernel Development for Injection Mould Design 457 Fig. 3. Overview of the injection mould base design application. above methodology on a 3D-based injection mould base design and assembly application.
6. Implementations
Applying the system design, a 3D-based injection mould design application is developed. This is achieved using the developmental tools mentioned in the earlier sections. The mould basemodule is chosen for illustration, as it requires the widest range of 3D functionality, including the generation of assemblies.
6.1 Framework of Application and the Requirements of Each Module A framework for the application is designed with reference to the developmental work identified. Figure 3 illustrates the Fig. 4. Windows-based interface.Fig. 5. Details of the mould base module. framework for the Mold Base design application. The details of the requirements in each module are discussed as follows:
6.1.1 Windows NT User-Interface (A)
Mould base design is an iterative process. The Mould designer first selects a standard mould base from the catalogue, and then repeatedly makes modifications to the dimensions of the mould base until all the design requirements are met. It is, therefore, necessary to consider an interactive user-interface for such purpose. Using the Visual C++ and the MFC, a Windows-based interface is developed. These include:
1. Creation, display and management of menu bar items, context menu items and toolbar buttons for easy access to functionality of the application.
2. Creation, display and management of dialogue boxes to guide the user or to obtain user input.458 T. L. Neo and K. S. Lee Fig. 6. Cavity plate B.Fig. 7. A “Hoppt” two-plate mould base.
3. Creation, display, and management of various views in the display area, for illustration.
4. Mouse driven interaction.
5. The design of the sequence of operation (including user interaction) for each function.The resulting application, as shown in Fig. 4, is a typical Windows-based application with a user-friendly interface.
6.1.2 3D Developer Layer (B)
The 3D-based requirements of mould base design is analysed and the modules to be developed are identified. The modeling requirements for 3D-based mould base design are:
1. Creation of primitives such as blocks, cylinders, cones,prisms, and toruses.
2. Creation of blends and chamfers.3D Kernel Development for Injection Mould Design 459 Fig. 8. Customisation of bottom screw dimensions.
3. Boolean operations: unite and subtract.
4. Transformation operations: translation and rotation.
5. Management of object attributes such as name and colour.
6. Creation of instances.
7. Creation of assemblies and subassemblies.
As these are not too extensive, it is possible to develop a basic modelling set. With the detailed development of the inpidual modules, more functions are then added to the 3D developer layer. The overall requirements in each module are illustrated in the following sections.
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