The first sub-module SWL-SEL1 is designed for selection of strip width and the later forselection of feed distance. The modeling module STRPLYT erasesany previous drawing existing in the drawing editor of AutoCADand selects an appropriate screen setting for modeling the striplayout. Next, it asks the user to select start point on the screen ofAutoCAD. As soon as the user selects a start point using the cursoror entering in the prompt area of AutoCAD, the module STRPLYTmodels the strip-layout automatically in the drawing editor ofAutoCAD.3.2.5. Module PRSSELThe module PRSSEL is developed to assist the user in the selec-tion of suitable type of press machine for carrying out requiredsheet metal operations on progressive die. The module invitesthe user to calculate the total perimeter to be cut at all stationsof progressive die using AutoCAD command ‘AREA’. Total perime-ter, type of operations required (shearing/forming/shearing &forming both), production rate per minute and shear strength ofsheet are the inputs to be entered by the user. As soon as the userenters all the required inputs suitably, the module displays theminimum force required for carrying the needed sheet metal oper-ations and identifies the suitable alternative press machines havingsufficient tonnage capacity. Afterwards the module invites the userto prepare database consisting of fixed and operating costs of pressmachines available on the shop floor. The program of the modulethen calculates and displays the unit cost of part on each candidatepress machine. Finally, it identifies the press machine on which thesheet metal part can be produced most economically.3.2.6. Sub-system PROCOMPThe sub-system PROCOMP is developed to tackle the problemofselection of progressive die components. Since the progressive diehas several components, therefore it has been decided to structurethe system PROCOMP into following modules:
1. Module DBLOCK for selection of dimensions of die block.2. Module DIEGAGE for selection of dimensions of die gages (frontspacer and back gage) and optimal distance between die gages.3. Module DIALCL for selection of proper die angle, die land andcutting clearance.4. Module STRPR for selection of stripper and stripper plate.5. Module PCHPL for selection of punch details, punch plate andback plate.6. Module IDSS for selection of type and dimensions of die-set.This module consists of two sub-modules, namely: (i) DSSEL for selection of type of die-set, and(ii) DSDIM for selection of dimensions of die-set.7. Module FSTNR for selection of fasteners (bolts & dowels).The execution of the sub-system PROCOMP is shown through aflow chart in Fig. 3. The suitable sizes of die components as recom-mended by this sub-system modules are automatically stored invarious output data files namely DBLOCK.DAT (size of die block),DG.DAT (size of die gages), DIALCL.DAT (die clearance), STRPR.DAT(size of stripper), PP.DAT (size of punch plate), BP.DAT (size of backplate), DSSEL.DAT (type of die-set), DSDIM.DAT (size of bottom andtop bolster of die-set, diameter of guide pillars and guide bushes)and FSTNR.DAT (diameter of bolts and dowels). The dimensionsof stripper plate, punch plate, back plate, die-set and fasteners alsodepend on the size of die block, therefore the output data fileDBLOCK.DAT is recalled during the execution of modules devel-oped for the selection of these die components. All the output datafiles generated during the execution of modules of the sub-systemPROCOMP are utilized for automatic modeling of die componentsand die assembly.3.2.7. Sub-system AUTOPROMODThe sub-system AUTOPROMOD is developed for automaticmodeling of progressive die components and die assembly in thedrawing editor of AutoCAD. This sub-system works in tandem withearlier modules developed for selection of progressive die compo-nents. The sub-system PROCOMP is structured into eight modules,namely DBMOD, STRPRMOD, BPMOD, PPMOD, BBDSMOD, TBDS-MOD, BDAMOD and TDAMOD.
The first module DBMOD of thesub-system is developed for automatic modeling of die block. Iterases any previous drawing existing in the drawing editor ofAutoCAD and then it selects screen setting and dimensional scalefor modeling of die block. Next, it calculates corner points of topand front views of die plate and also finds the location of holesof bolts and dowels on die plate. This module also calculates thelocation of hidden points of views of die plate. The commands suchas LINE, CIRCLE, LAYER, LTYPE etc. of AutoCAD are automaticallyinvoked to model the orthographic views of die plate. The nextmodule STRPRMOD is constructed for automatic modeling of strip-per plate in the drawing editor of AutoCAD. The module BPMODmodels orthographic views of back plate in the drawing editor ofAutoCAD. The module PPMOD is capable of modeling the punchplate. Modules BBDSMOD and TBDSMOD are developed respec-tively for automatic modeling of bottom bolster and top bolsterof die-set of progressive die. The module BDAMOD has been devel-oped for automatic modeling of lower or bottom portion of pro-gressive die assembly. The last module TDAMOD models the topportion of progressive die assembly. The user has the option tomodify these drawings through editing respective data files ofdie components or using AutoCAD commands. 3.2.8. Sub-system SMPDCThe sub-system SMPDC is developed for selection of materialsfor progressive die components. It comprises of two modules,namely DIEMAT and SELHRD. The first module is designed forselection of materials for progressive die components and the sec-ond module SELHRD is developed for determination of hardnessrange of materials selected for punches and die/inserts of progres-sive die. The proposed modules support mainly tool steels. Theoutput of the sub-system includes the intelligent advices for mate-rial selection for progressive die components and selection of closehardness range of the material selected for punches and die/inserts.4. Sample run of the systemThe developed system INTPDIE is tested for different types ofsheet metal parts for the problem of design of progressive die. Asample of typical prompts, user responses and the recommenda-tions obtained by the user during the execution of the system forone example component (Fig. 4) is given through Table 2. Thestrip-layout generated by the proposed system is shown in Fig. 5and the front and top view of bottom die assembly is shown inFig. 6. The recommendations obtained by the system and drawingsgenerated are found to be reasonably close to those actually usedin industry (M/S Indo-Asian Fuse Gear private Limited, Murthal,Haryana, India) for the example component. The system takes only30 min to complete the design process of progressive die and gen-erates the output in form of detailed and assembled drawings.5. ConclusionThe present investigation proposes an automated design systemfor progressive dies, which is built using production rule basedapproach of AI. The design task of progressive die has been automated through the development of modules for checking ofpart design features, selection of type of die, strip-layout design,selection of progressive die components, automatic modeling ofdie components and die assembly of progressive die; and selectionof materials for progressive die components. The proposed systemis ready for use in the sheet metal industries. The system is a lowcost alternative for process planners and die designers working insmall and medium sized stamping industries. The system is flexi-ble enough as its knowledge base can be modified and updateddepending upon the capabilities of a specific shop floor and ad-vances in new technology. Modules are user interactive and de-signed to be loaded into the prompt area of AutoCAD.
- 上一篇:钣金件级进模料条排样设计自动化英文文献和中文翻译
- 下一篇:柠檬酸工业英文文献和中文翻译