Inventories have been reduced as we can see in Fig. 4.
This provokes the reduction of idle times, from initial 32 to
10.9 h in August. Improvement objectives were twofold:
reducing stocks while avoiding idle times or movements of
worker due to accumulated material. Both have been
reached. The metrics, LR and DtD, have been improved.
DtD is reduced from 19.75 days in the VSM of the month
of March to 17.1 days in August. LR is increased from
0.38% to 0.44% at the same time. Global results in Fig. 9
explain the milkrun effects to improve the metrics that had
not got better between March and May in spite of kanban
implementation. Lean manufacturing has significantly
improved the parts flow.
Fig. 9 Metrics and accumulated
stocks evolution
956 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 43:949–958It is possible to see in Fig. 9 that the LR and DtD results
obtained with the second analysis are worse than the first
one; nevertheless, it is possible to appreciate a good tendency
with reduction of stocks. The changes do not produce an
instantaneous progress.Workpeople need to become familiar
with the new habits of work. The analysis of the third month
with milkrun and kanban fully implemented shows a clear
progress in both metrics and accumulated stocks.
8 Conclusions
This paper provides a case study of the redesign of an
assembly line by means of lean tools, which connects
manufacturing system design objectives to operational
objectives. It focuses the redesign of operations by
eliminating nonvalue-added time and decreasing the inter-
mediate stocks through VSM to identify improvement
points and kanban and milkrun to eliminate inefficiencies.
Results from the VSM explain that the design of kanban
circuits is insufficient without the adequate conveyor, while
the integration of kanban and milkrun reduces the waste in
terms of unnecessary inventories, excessive transportation,
and idle times applicable to every production and layout
designs. After 3 months of studies and evaluation of results,
including secondary data, it is confirmed that the applica-
tion of these skills of production help to enhance the
materials flow in the assembly line in a short time and
under particular conditions of small storage space and
requirements of flexibility.
The empirical results drawn from the case implementa-
tion serve to demonstrate that an operative decision has
helped to improve the metrics lean, in particular to reduce
the DtD and increase the LR and shows the transformation
of a former line manufacturing organization into a better
lean organization that has set a lowest cycle time. The
combination of lean tools will be a way for routing
increased flexibility and process improvement for any
industry. They appear useful and practical, even when
every factory is different and some planned adaptation
1 背景介绍
精益生产战略的实施加强了相序,它使企业卓越运营、持续改进,消除非增值活动[1]。因此,精益实践的影响有助于显著提高工厂的运行效率[2,3]和使用精益工具可以改善其结果[4]。该价值流图(VSM)工具是应用在精益生产和作为一个公式来引导改善工作[5-9]。在这个意义上说,内部运输和调度的贡献是特别重要的。看板卡已被用来识别生产流程的问题,保持库存和物料在生产单元之间的同步[10]。我们可以发现,实用的方法来确定通过仿真的最佳看板大小已经建立了[11]和一些实际应用程序已经发表[12 - 14]。然而,文献不包括真正的工业应用的集成显示看和内部交通的战略及其影响的生产要素。此外,有必要研究实际精益情况[3、15、16、]来说明精益的概念。
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