
      (7) The design procedure has been formulated as based on the schemes of Figs. 3 and 5 with a geometrical approach that can be used to explain the linkage solution with its parameters but even to perform computations for necessary adjustments on field, even by the operators in rural frames. In Fig. 6 a CAD output is shown as a proposal to potential users in rural frames to help to understand the design and its operation feasibility within their rural frames as well as the manufacturing and assembling of the components with fairly simple geometry. An additional flywheel is also added in the opposite side of the upper wheel both for balancing purposes and energy storage  to help human oper-ating power. The simple geometry of components is overstressed to facilitate fairly simple solutions of implementation both in materials and manufacturing. The CAD fairly simple representation with essential geometry and  construction details is also aimed to show the fairly simple design and its assembling as well as operation  features of the system.
    Fig. 6 A CAD mechanical design of the solution I in Table 1 that has been computed with the scheme in Fig.3 4  Conclusions The results of this paper are focused in using a 4-bar linkage as driving mecha-nism for a rural water pump with the possibility to enhance its use both in me-chanical efficiency and operator comfort. Adaptations will be surely needed on site and a design solution has been elaborated with fairly simple calculations that can be also handsome and able to ensure suitable operation adaptation of the man-powered system as based on fairly simple geometrical schemes. References 1.  Alencastre Miranda, J., Malpartida de la Cruz, I.: Metodologia de Diseno aplicada a la obtenciòn de una venteadora de granos. In: CD Proceedings of 7th Bolivarian Confe-rence of Mechanical Engineering, Cusco (2012) 2.  ITACAB (Institute for Technological Transfer to Marginal Sectors), Report Andrès  Bello, Lima (2005) 3.  Lopez-Cajùn, C.S., Ceccarelli, M.: Mecanisms: Kinematic Fundamentals for design and optimization of machinery, Trillas, Ciudad de Mexico (2008) (in Spanish) 4.  Zakiuddin, K.S., Sondawale, H.V., Modak, J.P., Ceccarelli, M.: History of Human Po-wered Threshing Machines: a Literature Review. In: Koetsier, T., Ceccarelli, M. (eds.) Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms. HMMS, vol. 15, pp.  431–446. Springer, Heidelberg (2012) 
    毕业论文关键词: 农村机器,设计,联系。
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