
    or abnormal joints or limbs [2]. The Sports Medicine
    Committee of the American Academy of Orthopedic
    Surgeons has classified knee braces into four categories:
    prophylactic, rehabilitative, functional and patellofemoral.
    The majority of these devices can be considered passive
    devices. They provide stability, apply precise pressure, or
    help maintain alignment of the joints. Improved technology
    has allowed for advancements where these devices can be
    designed to apply a form of tension to resist motion of the
    joint. These devices induce quicker recovery and are more
    effective at restoring proper biomechanics and improving
    muscle function. These may employ torsion springs, pistons
    and simple mechanical devices to make them "semi-active",
    rather than passive orthotics.
    Some of the more innovative designs allow the torsion
    to be adjusted; giving some variety and even further
    improvements in efficiency over a simple passive device.
    However, their shortcoming is in their inability to be
    adjusted in real-time, which is the most ideal form of a
    device for rehabilitation. This introduces a second class of
    devices beyond passive orthotics. It is comprised of
    "active" or powered devices, and although more
    complicated in designs, they are definitely the most versatile.
    An active or powered orthotic, usually employs some type
    of actuator(s). These types of devices are ideal for
    providing additional support to the knee, due to their unique
    ability to adjust in real-time. The actuator aspects of these
    devices allow them to perform augmentations and
    enhancements on the human muscles. Examples of work
    recently performed in this line of research are the ones
    described in [3,4]. Both groups have explored the use of
    advanced robotics and innovative actuators to improve the
    functional use of ankle-foot-orthoses. Unfortunately,
    advances in active orthotics have generally been limited
    only to assistance and enhancement. Very little and close tono work is evident where active components are added to
    orthotics specifically for the purposes of rehabilitation (i.e.
    gait retraining) as it is proposed in this application. Besides,
    it is worth mentioning that previous work concerning the
    active control of orthotics has been limited, to our
    knowledge, to ankle-foot-orthoses. No knee orthosis as
    advanced as the one herein proposed has ever been
    developed and tested in retraining gait patterns in stroke
    Innovative actuators and force-feedback robotic devices
    that provide controlled resistivity and operability that can be
    used for patient rehabilitation training and human muscle
    enhancement and augmentation have been studied by the
    PI's team [5-7]. The developed novel robotic devices are
    designed to support and train the human knee, elbow and
    fingers. The mechanisms are designed to provide controlled
    resistance, force and torque at high dexterity and rapid
    response using novel elements that produce controlled
    stiffness and actuators. For this purpose, the property of
    electro-rheological fluids (ERF) to change the viscosity in
    response to an electric field allowing to produce virtually
    zero resistance when idle and to provide high resistivity
    when stimulated electrically has been exploited.
    A key to the above stated innovative robotic device
    ability to provide resistivity as well as to operate on-demand
    is the property of Electro-Rheological Fluid (ERF) to
    increase the viscosity in the presence of an electric field.
    Winslow [8] was the first to explain the effect in the 1940's
    using oil dispersions of fine powders. These fluids are made
    from suspensions of an insulating base fluid and particles
  1. 上一篇:塑料注塑工艺英文文献和翻译
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