
    7 Conclusions and future prospectsThe requirements of environmentally sound productdesign put high demands on the design engineer. It isnecessary and possible to support the productdevelopment with a design environment in which thecomplete life-cycle of the product can be evaluated.Therefore, the production processes, among all other life-cycle phases, have to be computable.It is possible to determine the exact dimensions oftypical cold extrusion parts by using standard CAD-functions and combining their results. The shape of thesemi-finished product can also be calculated. Thisinformation is used to calculate strain energy, phosphatecoating amount and other material flows.Both product and process are modeled in an object-oriented manner. The model creates a database schemeand calculates LCI data, which is stored in the database.The evaluation system reads the data from the databaseand conducts its LCA, displaying the results to theproduct developer.It is desirable to be able to process bandwidths of likelymaterial and energy amounts. This will be implementedin a later stage of the project using fuzzy-sets. Also, thelevel of detail of the cold extrusion model will beincreased. Simultaneously, other forming processes willbe modeled and integrated into the product designenvironment.8 References[1] Stricker, N.  Entwicklung eines Technologieprozessors fürdie Stufenfolgeplanung beim Walzprofilieren. Berichte ausProduktion und Umformtechnik, Bd. 31, Hrsg. D.Schmoeckel, Shaker, Aachen 1996.[2] Lange, K. (Hrsg.) Umformtechnik, Handbuch für Industrieund Wissenschaft, Bd. 2: Massivumformung. 2. Aufl..Springer, Berlin 1988.[3] Dipper, M. Das Fließpressen von Hülsen in Rechnung undVersuch. Dissertation TH Stuttgart 1949.[4] DIN 50942.  Phosphatieren von Metallen Verfahrens-grundsätze, Prüfverfahren DIN Deutsches Institut fürNormung e. V., Berlin 1996.[5] Rupp, M.  Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Kalt-massivumformung zinkphosphatschichtfreier Drähte.Berichte aus Produktion und Umformtechnik, Bd. 38, Hrsg.D. Schmoeckel, Shaker, Aachen 1997.[6] Rausch, W.  Die Phosphatierung von Metallen. Leuze,Saulgau 1988.




    人们必须要支持产品开发,因为不同周期阶段对彼此的影响是复杂的。目前,一个在达姆施塔特大学的名为“环境的发展声音产品——方法、工具和手段”的 技术研究项目,将得到从事产品开发环境的德国基金会的支持。这个项目将使产品开发人员执行一个整体LCA的产品,这个产品至今只存在于CAD系统中。



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