
    The purpose is verypractical; that is, to justify the qualification of theparties to be commissioned for projects, as well asto raise the awareness and establish a commonstrategy for innovation through BIM.Literature review shows that various existing BIMmaturity assessment tools are not yet sufficiently‘mature’ to serve as a standard benchmarking toolthat is objective (i.e. perform qualitative andquantitative analyses), comprehensive (i.e. evaluatesthe model, modelling process and organization) andcollective (i.e. commonly accepted in theconstruction industry). In order to overcome theexisting shortcomings, the BIM Quick Scan tool hasbeen developed. This new tool has uniquecharacteristics that are as follows:l BIM Quick Scan combines quantitative andqualitative assessments and accommodatesvaluable expert judgement in such a coherent waythat the objectivity of the analysis is assured.l It possesses a sufficient degree of consistency sothat it can be used for a direct comparison betweentwo organizations, as well as for benchmarking theperformance of numerous organizations over time.l It covers the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ aspects of BIM atcorporate level, ICT infrastructure level and model/modelling level.The prototype of the BIM Quick Scan tool has beenachieved through research and development from2009 to 2010. This prototype tool has successfullypassed the practical verification and validationprocesses. The implementation plan – whichincludes training and certification of BIMconsultants, development and update of theguidelines and dissemination strategies – has beenestablished.
    At present, 10 certified consultants havebeen performing the Quick Scan with various firmsin the construction industry. As the number ofcertified consultants is growing, a broader practicalimpact of the Quick Scan will be gained.The tool is expected to be used to assess inpidualfirms, as well as firms involved in project organizations.Over the years, as the number of assessed firms grows,valuable information for national benchmarking can becollected. Future research is strongly recommendedto validate the benchmarking results and to developthe most effective BIM take-up strategy based on thecurrent performance level. Scientific validation of theKPIs and analytical methods is recommended toimprove the quality, consistency and reliability of thetool. Graduate or doctoral research on this subject willbe relevant to strengthen the scientific validation ofthe tool and to bridge academic and professionalinitiatives on sustainable BIM implementation andperformance measurement.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis article is based on the research and knowledgedissemination project ‘TNO-MKB TechnologiclusterBIM Quickscan 2009–2010’ led by TNO – thenational and independent organization for appliedscientific research in the Netherlands.REFERENCESAIA CC, 2007, ‘Integrated project delivery: A guide’, report by AIA CaliforniaCouncil.Bergs, R., 2009,
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