    abstractTo address the worsening problems of global warming and the urban heat island effect, ecological citiesand building environment greening are being promoted in population-dense urban areas domesticallyand abroad. For example, the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourismannounced the CASBEE-HI (Heat Island) assessment system in 2008 as a response to worsening urbanwarming and urban heat island effects. The Ministry implemented “Building Space Greening Plans” inTokyo, Osaka, and other cities, enforcing by law the effective reduction of urban temperatures andimproving urban living environments and alleviating the threat of urban ecological disasters. Therefore,this study integrates Taiwan domestic and foreign building space greening design, derived greeningbenefits, implementation promotion methods, and greening design policies as measurement constructsto examine the mutual influence between different constructs and to analyze the degree of influence onthe urban real estate market.From the result, demonstrating that building space environment greening design does bring aboutpositive benefits. In addition, the greening benefit was shown to have a positive impact on the urban realestate market. 50897
    At the same time, greening promotion implementation method and urban policy standardboth had a positive impact on the urban real estate market, demonstrating that government promotionof building environment greening design through urban design policy means is acceptable to the public.  2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. IntroductionThe study discussed previously [1] showed that sustainablebuilding has a significant positive influence on housing purchasechoices and that when sustainable building enjoys a positiveappraisal response, housing purchase choices can be increased,thereby effectively increasing interior and exterior residentialenvironment quality, reducing air conditioning use, properlyimplementing roofing insulation measures and roof greening andensuring residential sanitation safety. These effects facilitatehousing purchase choices. Raymond [2] also noted that theappraisal results or certification of “sustainable building perfor-mance” of overall building environments have gradually come to beviewed as the basis for project development, building awardawards, as well as risk and real estate mortgage evaluations. Oneimportant message from the United Kingdom,
    Australia, and EUcountries regarding standards for real estate evaluation is that they should be closely combined with currently implementedsustainable building assessment tools. This issue has become aninternationally important one in real estate markets and in markettransformation [3].To address the worsening problems of global warming and theurban heat island effect, ecological cities and building environmentgreening are being promoted in population-dense urban areasdomestically and abroad. For example, the Japanese Ministry ofLand, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism announced theCASBEE-HI (Heat Island) [4] assessment system in 2008 asa response to worsening urban warming and urban heat islandeffects. The Ministry implemented “Building Space Greening Plans”in Tokyo, Osaka, and other cities, enforcing by law the effectivereduction of urban temperatures and improving urban livingenvironments and alleviating the threat of urban ecologicaldisasters. The United States has formally incorporated rooftopgreening into LEED assessment criteria. Relevant studies havedemonstrated that appropriately increasing urban greening orreducing the proportion of artificial structures facilitates thealleviation of the urban heat island effect [5,6,7]. Studies have alsodemonstrated that plant greening provides the benefitofalleviating urban warming and the urban heat effect [8], providing tangible aid in reducing energy consumption as well as improvingoptimal energy use; such greening constitutes the optimal imple-mentation in pursuing a sustainable ecological living environment[9,10]. In addition, “greening approaches” are the most inexpensivemethod of reducing temperatures [11].The greening benefits resulting from space greening of buildingrooftops, walls, and bases can not only improve overall urbanenvironmental quality, it can also improve the added value ofbuildings, e.g. increasing asset value, improving image and repu-tation, and increasing market competitive ability [3,12,13]. In therapid increase of high-rise buildings in Taiwan, the developmentbehaviors of builders favor the maximum usage benefits of bases;their contributions to environmental greening have been limitedto minimum legal standards. Furthermore, the “Green BuildingStandard Promotion and Usage Operating Points” announced bythe Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior doesnot legally enforce the incorporation of privately-constructedbuildings into the range of evaluation. Other relevant greeningregulations and policies lack detailed specifications for thegreening of the rooftops, walls, and base areas of building envi-ronment spaces.Because Taiwan's building green design and urban real estate-related research are few, but this research hopes to obtain viewson this topic of the general public, also worried that the generalpublic do not to understand questionnaire question, therefore thistext is to investigate the respondents with the basic specializedbackground of building, real estate, urban plan, and so on, then, theinvestigation object is not to emphasize specially the years ofexperience in green buildings. Therefore, the following objectiveshave been set for this study:1. To integrate Taiwan domestic and foreign building spacegreening design, derived greening benefits, implementationpromotion methods, and greening design policies as measure-ment constructs to analyze the mutual influence betweendifferent constructs.2. To examine the influence of the building greening construct onurban real estate markets.3. To determine the key variables/dimensions of urban real estatemarkets which are affected by the building greening construct,and provide domestic real estate-related industries anddomestic cities with a reference for urban greening laws andpolicy promotion.2. Literature examinationIt can be seen fromthe studies discussed above that building spaceenvironment greening is an important component of sustainablebuilding evaluations. Therefore, this paper organizes literature ongreening-related evaluation content and Taiwan domestic andforeign greening standards and urban design for the benefitofsustainable building environment performance evaluation tools; thispaper attempts to clarify the benefits produced by building spaceenvironment greening and its impact on the urban real estatemarket.2.1. The impact of sustainable building and building spaceenvironment greening on the real estate marketAs the climate experiences abnormal changes, internationalprimary evaluation systems have also gradually begun to empha-size overall environmental climate regulation, creation of naturalecological environments, and the development of regional andurban evaluation tools. The warming caused by rapid developmentof large urban areas has led many countries to become aware of theimportance and urgency of the greening of urban spaces, leadingmany countries to actively promote building greening policies.Western countries were the first to begin developing andimplementing greening. According to American and British studies,the asset value of a building can increase by 6e15% if it is covered bytrees [13]; such green rooftop buildings as well as the social andenvironmental benefits they confer are greatly supported by thepublic [14]. Three-dimensional greening methods can also be usedto alleviate the abnormal expansion and contraction caused byclimate change, thereby reducing the need for roof repairs and roofreplacements [13]; the implementation of rooftop greening canextend roof lifespans by approximately 20 years [15].
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