
      The mould designer is frequently confronted with a confronted design that incorporates a recess or projection which prevents the simple removal of the moulding from the mould.The component designer,while endeavouring to produce in line of draw component designs,has often to include a recess or a projection to perform a particular function or to satisfy an artisitic requirement.A moulding which has a recess or projection is termed an undercut moulding.The mould design for this type of component is inevitably more complex than for the in line of draw component,as it necessitates the removal of that part of the impression which forms the undercut prior to ejection.
      The final stage which must be undertaken when designing an injection mould is that of checking the completer drawing. During this most important stage the design is scrutinized in a critical manner with the objects of discovering and correcting errors which may have occurred. The errors may be in design, or in drawing or in dimensioning.
      When the drawing is complete, the draughtsman has the unique opportunity of being able to re-examine the overall design to ensure that the inpidual features combine to form a workable and efficient mould unit.
      For the mould draughtsman, the process of checking is essential to ensure that errors incorporated in the drawing are not produced in the manufactured mould. Naturally if an error remains undetected, and if the mould is manufactured to specification, considerable expense and delay will be incurred in making the necessary corrections. It is sound practice to have the mould drawing checked by an independent design(a checker) who, not having been connected with the design previously, will be able to check the drawing quite impartially. However, the fact that a drawing is subsequently scrutinized by a checker must not prevent the draughtsman from checking the design thoroughly himself.
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