
    al. developed a system for electric product with bending
    and piecing operations written in AutoLISP on the
    AutoCAD with a PC [8]. Tor et al. investigated the
    suitability of using a blackboard framework for stamping
    process planning in progressive die design [9]. Li et al.
    adopted feature- and rule-based approach and developed an
    integrated modeling and process planning system for
    planning bending operations of progressive dies using
    C++ and ObjectARX of AutoCAD [10]. Farsi and Arezoo
    described a two-stage method to determine bending
    sequence in progressive dies [11]. Chang et al. established
    a genetic algorithm to solve the problems of ranking the
    working steps in progressive dies using AutoCAD as a
    drawing tool [12]. Taking advantage of neural network and
    computer-aided design (CAD) software, Pilani et al.
    proposed a method for automatically generating an optimal
    die face design based on die face formability parameters
    [13]. Based on sheet metal operations, Singh and Sekhou
    developed a punch machine selection expert system, which
    was built in AutoCAD and used AutoLISP [14]. Jiang et al.
    proposed a flexible and complete insert representation
    scheme and analyzed the complex assembly relationships
    and constraints between inserts and components [15].
    Almost all the design systems mentioned above belong to
    2D patterns.
    As it is not easy to find defects, check interference,
    modify correlated drawings, etc. in 2D patterns, the
    development of 3D software and PC technology, which
    describes parts in solid modeling, can dramatically help to
    resolve the above problems. This technique has gradually
    become a mainstream tool in the design industry.
    In recent years, more and more systems were developed on
    top of 3D software. An automated nesting and piloting system
    for progressive die according to minimum scrap strategy on
    3D SolidWorks was developed by Ghatrehnaby and Arezoo
    [16]. Roh and Lee proposed a hull structural modeling
    system for ship design, built on top of C++ and 3D CAD
    software [17]. Chu et al. developed a computer-aided
    parametric design system for 3D tire mold production by
    in CATIA [18]. Kong et al. developed a Windows native 3D
    plastic injection mold design system based on SolidWorks
    with Visual C++ [19]. Lin et al. in National Kaohsiung First
    University of Science and Technology developed structural
    design systems for 3D drawing dies based on functionalfeatures in Pro/E and CATIA software [20, 21]. Lin and Kuo
    also developed an integrated RE/RP/CAD/CAE/CAM
    system for magnesium alloy shell of mobile phone in 3D
    software [22].
    Compared with the much work done in the computer-aided
    process planning, less work in structure design has been done.
    Most of the work is concentrated in the computer-aided
    process planning [1–4, 7–13, 16–19]. Jia et al. presented a
    relationship model of structural relevance in progressive dies
    [23]. Wang et al. discussed association technology in
    assembly design for precision progressive die on AutoCAD
    [2]. Jiang et al. discussed the inserts design automation [15].
    They proposed a representation scheme of inserts using an
    object-oriented, feature-based approach. Methods of standard
    part library construction and modeling methods of punches
    and dies were discussed in references on SolidWorks [24,
    25]. Zhao et al. in HuaZhong University of Science and
    Technology discussed correlated design of standardized parts
    and components in CAD system for progressive die on
    AutoCAD [26].
    For die structure design, the designer can treat each
    function feature as a design unit [15, 20]. According to the
    design norm and standard part library of our partner who is
  1. 上一篇:注塑模具流道设计英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:太阳能跟踪系统英文献和中文翻译
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