
    One of the earliest studies on anchored sheet pile walls usingfinite element method was performed by Bjerrum et al. [2]. Theyinvestigated the application of the finite element method to anchored sheet pile walls and compared their results to the onesobtained from the free earth support method. Potts and Fourie[3] used the finite element method to investigate the effect of ini-tial soil stress conditions on diaphragm walls constructed in stiffover-consolidated clays. The use of the finite element method forthe analysis of various anchored or braced retaining structures inthe past [4–15] has been mainly for the excavation cases. Momentreduction curves used in the current design practice of anchoredsheet pile walls were also developed based on the model tests sim-ulating the excavation conditions [16]. Although there have beenseveral studies conducted to study sheet pile wall behavior forcut/excavation conditions, unfortunately no studies or analyticalprocedures exist investigating the wall behavior under backfillconditions and how it relates to the excavation conditions.There are several failures of anchored sheet pile walls, con-structed by backfilling, reported in the literature. Rieke et al. [17]reported failure of a 300-ft-long anchored sheet pile wall duringthe placement of backfill behind the wall. The cause of the failureis attributed to the loss of stability of underlying soft soils due tolarge soil and wall deformations. Sowers and Sowers [18] pre-sented several cases of anchored bulkhead failures. They have con-cluded that excessive earth pressures, inadequate consideration ofor allowance for deflection, and lack of consideration of effects ofconstruction operations were among the factors leading to an-chored sheet pile wall failures.
    Endley et al. [19] reported unex-pectedly larger than the originally calculated deformations for a12-m-high anchored sheet pile wall. They have concluded thatthe backfill construction method and the way the fill was placedproduced large sheet pile deflections and stresses.The objective of this study is to analyze the behavior of an-chored sheet pile walls constructed by excavation and backfillingin cohesionless soils. The objective was achieved by a series ofcomprehensive finite element analyses for varying soil conditionsand wall heights. This paper presents the analyses results and pro-vides recommendations for the design of anchored sheet pile wallsconstructed by different methods.2. Overview of current design procedureCurrent common design practice of sheet pile walls is based onlimit equilibrium approach. Free earth support method is the mostcommonmethod used for design. The design utilizes the active and passive earth pressures which are concerned with the failure con-dition based on the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion.Wall penetra-tion depth, anchor force, and pile section selection comes from theforce and moment equilibrium conditions using the lateral earthpressures. Factor of safety is applied to the passive pressures dur-ing the determination of lateral earth pressures [20,21]. The safetyfactors are used to take into account the uncertainties in soil con-ditions, the method of stability analysis, the loading conditions, aswell as to restraint soil movements to an acceptable level [3].The conventional design methods do not consider the stressconcentrations in the soil around the anchor level resulting fromthe restricted wall movements. In addition, the construction meth-od is not considered in the design process. The Rowe momentreduction curves applied to the maximum moment calculated toobtain the design moment are developed based on the laboratorytests performed on walls simulating the excavation method [16].With the advances in computing technology, the use of contin-uum mechanics numerical methods in the analysis and design ofsheet piles has been increasing in recent years. Although the finiteelement method is primarily being used as numerical method, thefinite difference method is also used. The finite element methodhas been utilized by researchers to study and understand thebehavior of cantilever, braced, and anchored sheet pile walls understatic and dynamic loading conditions
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