
    The lower COFof 0.088 against quenched 45 steel was obtained for the auto-matically prepared coating under lubricant condition. We be-lieve that stable and high deposit quality will be guaranteed onthis automatic brush plating system and new insight into brushplating is necessary.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (Grant No.50235030), the 973Program of China (No.G1999065009) for financial support ofthis research work.References[1] R.D. Clarke, DALIC selective brush plating and anodizing, InternationalJournal of Adhesion and Adhesives 19 (1999) 205–207.[2] J.C. Norris, Brush plating, Metal Finishing 93 (1) (1995) 349–361 (S).[3] D.L. Vanek, An updating on brush plating,
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    自动刷镀:刷镀技术的革新摘要:  自动刷镀机构的设计消除了传统电刷镀操作带来的缺点。在这种刷镀系统中,使用的电解液中含有20 g / L的纳米颗粒,以这种电解液,制备的镍/纳米氧化铝复合涂层,并将这种电解液刷至45钢的基体上。相比之下,镍/纳米Al2O3复合涂层的更易于人工制备。对比研究了镍基复合镀层的微观结构、表面形貌、显微硬度、弹性模量和耐磨性,通过研究表明,自动化制备的涂层更致密,光滑,均匀,比手动制备的更为方便。前者比后者具有更好的力学性能和耐磨性。


      Charles Dalloz和Georges Icxi在1937年发明了刷镀工艺。这是电镀工艺发展的一个重要的里程碑。在1956年,规范了刷镀技术,从而正式承认刷镀工艺作为一种可行的电镀工艺。如今,电刷镀已获得了广泛的工程应用,尤其是维修和保养。

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