
    From Fig. 2 we also see that the yield of the 0-25-mm class in the end product largely depends on the screening efficiency at the SDA-1000, and when the latter increases from 0to 0.9 the former falls from 41.2 to 31.4% from crushing of optlmumsize rock fragments.
    1.  The yield of fine fragments in the end product depends largely on the fragmentize composition of the blasted rock and the efficiency of preliminary screening in CFT systems with self-propelled crushing units fitted with rotor crushers.  To determine the optimum fragment size for the blasted rock, we must observe the minimum fines yield in the end product.
    2.  Crushing of rock in rotor crushers to commercial fractions (0-130 or 0-80 mm) leads to marked over crossing, and thus it cannot be recommended for the production of fluxes with limited fines contents.
    3.  It is rational to use rotor crushers in self-propelled crushing units in flux quarries, in conjunction with preliminary screening (such as that in the SDA-1000 system) followed by final crushing to the commercial fragment sizes in cone breakers.
    1. M. V. Sentyabrev, "Introduction of cyclic-flow-type technology in flux quarries," Tr. IGD MChM SSSR, No. 40, Sverdlovsk (1973).
    2. L. I. Baron and I. E. Khmel'kovskii, The Crushability of Rocks by Free Impact [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1971).
    3. V. V. Korshak, The rmos table Polymers [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1969).
    4. I. V. Kragel'skii, Friction and Wear [in Russian], Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1968).


    M. D. Nedzel'skii and Yu, K. Katkov                  UDC 620.178.16:621~926.49

    Impact-rebound crushers of comparatively simple design with low power consumption are used in the chemical industry for crushing different materials with high productivity However, when crushing materials like quartz sand, corundum, debase, etc., there, is intensive wear of the crusher blades.  The main cause is the extremely high .speed (I00 m/sec and higher) of impact with the abrasive mass.  The life of blades made of carbon and alloy steels is only 1-2 h and this leads to disruption of production and contamination of the crushed product with worn blade material.
    A special impact-rebound ~rusher (Fig.1) has been made for testing the wear resistance of hardened prototype blades.  The main parts of this crusher are the blades 5 mounted on the revolving rotor 2, and the baffles 6 welded to the stationary body i.  Replaceable specimens (inserts) are clamped to the blades 1 by means of bolts (see Fig. 2).  The fastest wearing portion of the blades (replaceable inserts) and the blades themselves are made of 20 steel.
    The material to be crushed is loaded by means of a feed control device 4 and hopper 3 (see Fig. i).  The crushed material passes through a cyclone separator 8 and falls periodically into a container 9.
    Tests were done to determine the most effective methods of surface hardening for the replaceable inserts made of readily available steel.  Different methods of borating (borinizing) [i, 2J and carbonitriding [3] were tried.  The first batch of specimens (see Table i) was subjected to liquid borating [i], the second to borating in a furnace with powder media [2].
    1.    耐磨性的扩散涂料的工作部分对反击式破碎机的影响:
    能在化工行业高效率的破碎不同材料这一因素是影响反击式破碎机设计相对简单和低功耗的主要因素。然而,当破碎材料是如石英砂、刚玉、辉绿岩等时必须用密集的破碎机刀片。这主要是是极高的速度(I00米/秒或更高) 与研磨质量的影响。破碎机的叶片是由碳和合金钢组成的,而这种材料寿命只有1-2小时,这将会导致生产中断破碎产品和废旧叶片材料对环境的污染。
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