摘要:在现今社会当中,各类科学技术都备受关注,与此同时全球范围内的各领域专家学者们都意识到了南极生物遗传资源的价值。南极虽然气候环境条件恶劣,但是,却具有了其他地方不能够与之匹敌的独特地理条件。那么,这些南极生物遗传资源,在人类社会中也是具有重大的价值。但是,针对于南极的生物遗传资源的权属等各类问题,国际上一致都具有一定的争论。其中,关于南极生物遗传资源的权属问题还有惠益分享法律问题,一直都备受关注。25927 毕业论文关键词:南极生物遗传资源;权属问题;惠益分享;南极生物遗传资源的利用
A Study of Antarctic Biological Genetic Resources in International Law
Abstract: In modern society, all kinds of science and technology have attracted much attention. At the same time, experts and scholars from all over the world are aware of the value of Antarctic biological genetic resources. However, there are some disputes about the ownership of biological genetic resources in the Antarctica. Among them, the issue of ownership of Antarctic biological genetic resources, as well as the benefit sharing legal issues, has been of great concern.
Key words: Antarctic Biological Genetic Resources;Ownership Problem;Benefit Sharing;the Use of Antarctic Biological Genetic Resources
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