摘 要:将科学社会主义,的路线、方针、政策灌输到广大劳动群众中去,使它成为人民群众行动的指南,这是马克思主义的一项重要原则。“灌输”教育作为思想政治教育工作的一项优良传统,曾在中国革命时期发挥着巨大作用。随着中国社会主义事业的不断发展,“灌输”教育开始逐渐淡出人们的视野,出现了灌输教育过时论、无用论、否定论等思想。实践证明,“灌输”教育在现实的生活中仍起着无可替代的作用。在新的历史条件下,继续坚持“灌输”教育,力求拓宽实现“灌输”教育目的的途径,这是时代赋予我们的责任,同时也具有重要的理论和实践意义。30372 毕业论文关键词:灌输教育;理论依据;途径;新形势
Adhere to the Instilling Education and Achieve Way of Exploving in the New Situation
Abstract: The scientific socialism, the party's line, principles and policies to instill into the masses of working people, make it become the people a guide to action, it is an important principle of Marxism.As an ideological and political work,“instilling” education had play a significant role in revolution of China.With the development of China’s socialist cause the “instilling” education is fading.Practice has proved that “instilling” education is still play an irreplaceable role in real life. In the new condition, it’s our responsibility to adhere to the “instilling” education and strive to broadent the way of the realization of the “instilling” education purpose.
Keywords: Instilling education; thereunder; approach; new situation
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