    摘要:    本设计为上海市格林公司办公楼中央空调系统,为之设计合理的中央空调系统,也为室内工作人员提供舒适的工作环境。通过空调方案的优缺点以及适用场合的比较,并依据有关规范,考虑节能和舒适性要求,设计的空调系统采用风机盘管加新风系统。系统采用风机盘管为主承担空调房间的冷负荷与热负荷,每个房间的吊顶内安置暗装风机盘管。新风由新风机组处理后接入风机盘管的送风管内。22264
    毕业论文关键词:    办公楼;中央空调;风机盘管加新风系统
    Air Conditioning System Design for Green Company
    Abstract:    This is the central air conditioning design for Green company. It is aim todesign a reasonable central air conditioning system and provide a comfortable working environment for the staff indoor. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages as well as air conditioning solutions suitable for the occasion, and based on the relevant norms, considering energy efficiency and comfort requirements,the air condition system of the design is Fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh air system.This system mainly adopts the fan coil to undertake thecooling loads and hot loads. In the ceiling of each room concealed fan coil are placement. The fresh air set into the independent fresh air machine firstly, and then mixed with the air from the fan coil.
    It contains: cooling load calculation; the estimation of system zoning; the selection of refrigeration units; the selection of air conditioning equipment; the design of air duct system and calculation; the estimation of air distribution method and the selection of relevant equipment; the design of water system and its resistance analysis; the insulation of air duct plant and chilled water pipes; noise and vibration control. In addition, has to choose suitable auxiliary equipment for the system.
    Keywords:    officialbuilding; Central air conditioning; Fan coil units (FCUs)--fresh airsystem
    1    绪论    1
    2    工程概况    2
    2.1    建筑特点    2
    2.2    建筑相关资料    2
    2.3    室外设计参数    3
    2.4    室内设计参数    4
    3    设计方案选择    5
    3.1    空调系统的分类形式    5
    3.2    系统方案的选择确定    6
    4    空调负荷计算    8
    4.1    围护结构瞬变传热形成冷负荷的计算方法    8
    4.1.1    外墙和屋顶瞬变传热形成冷负荷的计算方法    8
    4.1.2    内围护结构冷负荷的计算方法    8
    4.1.3    外玻璃窗瞬变传热引起冷负荷的计算方法    8
    4.1.4    透过玻璃窗的日射得热形成冷负荷的计算方法    9
    4.1.5    设备散热形成冷负荷的计算方法    9
    4.1.6    照明设备冷负荷的计算方法    9
    4.1.7    人体显热散热引起冷负荷的计算方法    10
    4.1.8    食物显热冷负荷    10
    4.2    办公楼围护结构冷负荷计算    10
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