    毕业论文关键词: 基坑支护;连续墙支护;理正深基坑7.0软件
    Shenzhen Metro three Line Street station deep foundation design
    Abstract:This topic on the old street station foundation pit supporting project of shenz-hen metro line no. 3 to carry on the design.Deep foundation pit supporting design, construction and monitoring technology is involved in recent 10 years in our country gradually. So we using Lizheng deep foundation pit 7 comput-er software. According to the engineering actual situation, to the old street station found-ation pit supporting project of shenzhen metro line no. 3 to carry on the research and d-esign,design reasonable, economy, safety, compliance with the specification requirement-s, meet the functional requirements of subway station.
    The specific election than to complete the design calculation and drawing; supporting stru-cture; foundation stability; precipitation sealing design of foundation pit; design of foundati-on pit monitoring programme;  anti-uplift checking; anti overturning stability check; emb-edded inside of pit soil counterforce calculation. The Lizheng deep foundation pit 7 softwar-e applications is very important, it can calculate most of data and calculation of power, an-d the reinforcement and construction drawing.
    Through the continuous wall supporting design, comprehensive analysis from the econo-mic and security, recommend this project design USES continuous wall supporting of fo-undation pit, and put forward a complete design scheme.
    Key Words: Foundation pit supporting;continuous retaining wall;7.0 software of Lizheng deep foundation pit
     目  录
    1  绪论    1
      1.1  课题的意义和目的    1
        1.2.1  我国基坑工程的发展现状    1
        1.2.2  国外基坑工程的发展现状    2
      1.3  本课题的指导思想    2
      1.4  本课题应解决的主要问题    2
    2  概述    4
      2.1  整体概况    4
      2.2  工程概况    4
      2.3  工程地质条件    4
      2.4  水文地质条件    5
      2.5  岩土工程分析评价    5
      2.6  基坑侧壁安全等级及重要性系数    6
    3  设计总说明    7
      3.1  本工程设计遵循的标准、规范、规定及规程    7
      3.2  支护结构方案    7
      3.3  基坑开挖形式与监测    8
        3.3.1  基坑开挖形式    8
        3.3.2  基坑监测    8
      3.4  防水设计    8
        3.4.1  防水设计原则    8
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