    摘要黄土高原是世界上黄土面积最大的高原,有丰富的资源并为华夏文明的发源地,但由于多种原因该地区易于造成水土流失,严重影响当地的生态环境以及社会发展。本文根据国内外相关研究的理论与方法,结合晋北地区的自身区域特征,基于卫星遥感图像的数据处理以及GIS的空间分析,叠加等方法对以晋北的黄土高原水土流失敏感性进行研究,建立以降雨侵蚀力、土壤类型、植被覆盖度、地形起伏度、植被覆盖、冬春季大于6m/s大风天数为评价指标建立水土流失敏感性评价指标体系,最后将各单因子敏感性分为不敏感,轻度敏感、中度敏感、高度敏感,极敏感,根据几何中心模型计算来确定其等级,最后对水土流失进行综合评价 32649
    研究表明晋北黄土高原水土流失敏感性较高,极敏感性区域和高敏感性区域分布在晋北的西部和北部的繁峙县,以及五台县,代县等地区平原与山的交界处的山坡。呈长条带分布,与人类活动分布重合度很大,占区域总面积的15.3%,中度敏感区面积为6173.1km2中,占了研究区域的一半还多为50.2% ,主要分布在中部偏南的定襄县、五台县以及研究区域东北部区域,轻度敏感性区域与不敏感去与面积分别为4179.6km2,54.72km2,所占研究区域百分比为34%和0.4%,主要集中在研究区域的中南部以及其他地区
    Abstract    Loess plateau is one of the largest plateau loess area in the world, is rich in resources and is the birthplace of Chinese civilization, but because of many reasons the region is easy to cause soil erosion, serious impact on the local ecological environment and social development,.
    According to the theory and method of related research at home and abroad, combined with the regional characteristics of hill areas in northern shanxi, based on satellite remote sensing image data processing and spatial analysis of GIS, the superposition method in Shanxi Province to study the sensitivity of soil erosion on the loess plateau, establish a rainfall erosion force, soil type, vegetation coverage, relief, vegetation cover, winter is more than 6 m/s wind days in order to establish the evaluation index system of water loss and soil erosion sensitivity evaluation indexes, finally will be pided into the single factor sensitivity is not sensitive to light sensitive, moderate sensitive, highly sensitive, highly sensitive, according to the grade is determined by the geometrical center model calculation, the comprehensive evaluation of soil and water loss
    Studies have shown that Shanxi Province high sensitivity of soil erosion on the loess plateau, extremely sensitive areas and highly sensitive areas distributed in the north and west of Shanxi Province fanshi county, and sanshi,  county regions such as the plains and mountains of border slope. Assumes the strip belt distribution, distribution of coincidence degree to human activities is very big, accounting for 15.3% of the total area, moderate sensitive area covers an area of 6173.1 km2, accounting for more than half of the study area is 50.2%, mainly distributed in the central south of dingxiang county, as well as the research area in the northeast region sanshi, light sensitive area and is not sensitive to and area of 4179.6 km2, respectively, 54.72 km2, study area percentage of 34% and 0.4%, mainly concentrated in the study area of the south, as well as other areas.
    Key words: soil erosion, the Loess Plateau in the north of Shanxi Province, soil and water conservation,GIS
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    第一章  绪  论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究区域    1
    1.3  研究目的与内容    2
    1.4  指标选取与数据来源    2
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