    摘要:拱桥是我国公路上使用很广泛的一种桥型。拱桥在竖向荷载作用下,两端支撑处即拱脚处除有竖向反力外,还产生水平推力,正是这个水平推力,使拱内产生轴向压力,并大大减小了跨中弯矩,使它的主拱截面主要承受轴向压力,同时截面上的应力分布比受弯梁要均匀,使主拱截面的材料强度得到充分发挥,跨越能力增大。特别是钢筋混凝土拱桥自重较小,跨越能力大,充分利用混凝土与钢筋的受力优势,有效地提高了拱桥的经济性能,扩大了拱桥的使用范围。拱桥受力合理,造型美观,因此应用广泛,发展迅速。目前,世界上已建成了多座跨径300米以上的钢筋混凝土拱桥。相信随着拱桥自身缺点的不断克服与施工技术的不断完善,更多的拱桥会得到应用。本设计结合地形,经方案比选,在经济合理的原则下选择了上承式空腹无铰拱桥。在拟定各部尺寸后,通过Midas Civil 建模进行内力计算,根据内力计算结果和构造要求进行了各部的配筋设计,后又进行了复核与验算。复核一般的拱桥设计流程与要求,具有较强的实用价值。33256
    毕业论文关键词: 拱轴线;Midas建模;内力计算;配筋验算
    The design of the 9th bridge on the yellow river
    Abstract:Arch bridge is a very common bridge style in highway bridges in our country. Arch bridges under vertical loads, except for both ends of the vertical support reaction force, it also generate horizontal thrust. It is this level of thrust that generate pressure of the inner arch, as a result the span moment is greatly reduced. So the arch is mainly a structure that sustain pressure, and the stress distribution over the cross section is more uniform by than the bending members, so that the material strength of arch bridge is fully used, spanning capacity increases. Especially the reinforced concrete arch bridges with a relative small dead weight have a lager capacity of span, making full use of the advantages of concrete and reinforced stress as a result effectively improve the economic performance of arch bridge, expanding the use of arch bridge. The force state of arch bridges is reasonable . With a  attractive appearance, arch bridges are widely applied and developed rapidly. Currently, the world has been built members reinforced concrete arch bridges with spans more than 300m. I believe that with the continuous overcoming of their own shortcomings and improvement in arch bridge construction technology, more arch bridges will be build. As for this design, it combined with the terrain, after doing  scheme comparison, selecting hollow bearing arch bridge under the principles of rational and economic . After the draft of dimensions, donging internal force calculation with the help of Midas Civil modeling. Based on internal force calculation and construction requirements for the ministries of reinforcement design, carrying out a design of the reinforcing bars. At last , review and checking were done . In general,this design conform to the process and  requirement  of  bridge design , it  has a high value of  practical.
    KeyWords:  arch axis ;Midas modeling ; internal force calculation  ;reinforced  checking  
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究现状    1
    1.2 发展趋势    1
    1.3设计过程    1
    2 工程概况及方案比选    3
    2.1 工程概况    3
        2.2 桥型方案比选    3
    2.2.1 基本资料    3
    2.2.2 连续刚构梁桥    3
    2.2.3 钢筋混凝土拱桥    4
    2.2.4 斜拉桥    4
    2.2.5 比选结果    5
    3 桥梁布置及尺寸拟定    7
    3.1 设计资料    7
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