
    The design uses a fluid dynamics CFD simulation software,Gambit established through the use of three-dimensional model and then import the Fluent software method fort he libary of air and flue gas flow numerical flow simulation study,the amount of ventilation during the indoor temperature field and distribution, change in time of the velocity field is calculated.Meanwhile, according to the simulation results,provide reliable advice to work and fire emergency work on HVAC engineering.
    In the modeling period, I was using the CFD software package Gambit, which is dedicated CFD pre-processor, Fluent products are developed using the company's own Fluent Gambit pre-processing software to create the geometry and mesh generation, is before having a powerful combination of processor capacity to construct the model, and then solved by the Fluent.
    Fluent CFD software based on the idea of software design groups, from the perspective of user needs for a variety of complex physical phenomena flows, FLUENT software formats and different discrete numerical methods, in order to make the calculation speed in a particular area, stability and to achieve the best combination of accuracy, etc., thereby efficiently solve complex computational problems in various fields flow. Based on the above ideas, Fluent development applicable to all areas of flow simulation software, which is able to simulate fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, chemical reactions and other complex physical phenomena, using a uniform grid generation software and technology among common graphical interface, while the difference between the various software applications that differ only industrial background, thus greatly facilitate the users.Fluent is used to simulate and analyze complex geometry within the area of fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena of special software. Fluent provides a flexible grid characteristics, can support a variety of grid. Users can freely choose to use structured or unstructured grids to pide complex geometric regions, such as support for the two-dimensional problem triangle mesh or quadrilateral mesh; support for the three-dimensional problem tetrahedral, hexahedral, Ling cones, polyhedral meshes; also supports hybrid grids. Users can also use the characteristics of the adaptive mesh Fluent provided in the solution process according to the computer to optimize the results obtained grid.
    Keywords: library;ventilation;numerical simulation;Fluent
    1绪论    1
    1.1 研究的目的与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 国外通风设计研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国内通风设计研究现状    3
    1.3 图书馆通风的方式与特点    4
    1.4图书馆火灾通风的主要研究方法    5
    2图书馆通风的基础理论与数值模拟方法    7
    2.1 图书馆阅览室通风的基础理论    7
    2.2 计算流体力学理论    7
    2.3.CFD数值模拟方法    9
    3某图书馆通风状态下的数值模拟    11
    3.1 某图书馆设计概况    11
    3.2 计算模型的建立及数据处理    11
    3.2.1 方案一    11
    3.2.2 方案二    15
    3.2.3 方案三    20
    3.3 方案小结    25
    4某图书馆阅览室火灾状态下的数值模拟    27
    4.1 设计概况    27
    4.2 模型的建立及数据处理    27
    4.2.1方案二下的火灾状态模拟    27
    4.2.2方案三下的火灾状态模拟    33
    4.3 方案小结    38
    5结论与展望    40
    5.1 结论    40
    5.2展望    40
    致谢    41
    参考文献    42
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